One Thing You Must Do to Get the Results You Want
“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
This quote by Eleanor Roosevelt speaks volumes to how we can create the results that we want in life. There are many things we tell ourselves we cannot do or we may procrastinate and avoid them at all costs. Everything has a cost or payoff. Many people avoid conflict because it is uncomfortable. Yes, it is uncomfortable but it can be done respectfully and with dignity. For some the payoff, may be seeking comfort in food, avoiding change, or even taking action. Your results will disappoint you if you do not face what you fear.
I have learned as uncomfortable as it may be this is the environment where your greatest growth often appears. This is the perfect opportunity to STRETCH out of your comfort zone and STEP into your potential. You will start to make more immediate decisions because you are clear on what you will and will not accept as the results that you want for yourself. You will be able to shift your perspective and gain a better understanding of the results you had been getting and what it takes to get the results you truly want. You will know how to prepare for uncertainty with calmness. You will ultimately stand up more often for what you believe in.
You will change your mindset about challenges and start seeing them as opportunities for growth and change. You will open doors for new opportunities. Take time to look at what is working and what is not working. What is one thing you need to do to get what you want? Are you prepared to do it? Will you regret not taking the action to get it?
What is the ONE thing you know that would change your life?
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The Greatest Shift Starts in Your Mind
Have you ever noticed that once you have developed a keen sense of what you want and then made a decision that everything starts to fall into place? The greatest challenge or struggle occurs in the mind and whether or not you believe it is possible for you to succeed. Once you realize that the only person holding yourself back is you – the world is your oyster and the pearl is what you create!
I have found that “all or nothing” thinking is one of the mindset shifts that must occur. Some people think you need to sit down at a desk Monday to Friday for six months to write a book or you will not be able to write one. Well, if I waited for that to happen like many of you I would not have a book or two coming out into the world.
There have been many times I have literally written a couple paragraphs a day before I went to bed and other times when I have written 2-3 pages. The key is being consistent and not giving up. As you can imagine, over 30 days 2-3 paragraphs could lead to pages and pages of a book. Do not think that because you do not have a certain a lot of time or because you have a job and running a business on the side that you will never transition to it full time. You can have the best of both worlds and work with what you have where you are.
The same is true with exercise. You could sit on the couch in front of the television or you can get to the gym and put in ten to 20 minutes several days a week. Maybe you do not have a hour to spare but activity/exercise burst consistently still add up over time. Even when I have had good intentions of getting to the gym while running errands, I have sometimes gotten there with enough time to take a shower. Why beat myself up? I made it in the building. The next day I strive for more time and it worked. Imagine if I stood in front of the mirror just beating myself up. What is the point? Is it very encouraging? No. Every day you or I can improve.
Make a list of all the things what your ideal life would look like. Read them aloud. Ask yourself, “Is there any way I could be doing some of these things right now?” There is no reason you can not be infusing your life’s passion into your life right now!
The way you view your world is where it all takes place – in the mind. You must believe it is possible in order to achieve it – otherwise you would not have come up with the idea in the first place. You can achieve your dreams.
How to Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur
There are many people out in the world who marvel at the life of an entrepreneur and think it is so grand to have all this freedom and flexibility but the more you have of anything, the more you have to manage it or you will have nothing. If you accumulate many things, you could have a lot of clutter or become a hoarder. If you have lots of money, you could go out of control with spending and not have anything. You need to become more aware of what you choose to accumulate and what you choose to spend your money on so you can live in abundance and grow your assets. The same is true with staying motivated. You need to stay motivated to get the results you want.
There are 9 ways you can do this:
- Build and grow a business you are absolutely passionate about.
- Focus on serving and helping people achieve what they want – step outside of yourself and make a mark in the world.
- Block off time to do what you want to based on your priorities.
- Learn to say “no” to what does not makes you happy. Choose to live in happiness. Yes, I know that taking out the trash may not be desirable but a necessary evil. Otherwise, if not done – you could be very unhappy with the smell.
- Surround yourself with people who get what you are about and your mission. They “get it” you do not have to explain.
- Ensure that you practice self care. You cannot serve anyone when you are not looking after yourself. Rest, sleep, eat healthy, and get regular exercise.
- Work in a location you are most inspired but get out from behind the computer and connect LIVE & IN PERSON. The connection and the experience of you builds trust and rapport. There is something to be said when you can make that first eye to eye impression. Discover and investigate networking events in your area. Get out there and get known.
- Spend your time on your brilliance. Delegate what you are not so good at and so-so good at, so you can focus on being great on what you are best at.
- Reward yourself. Every goal you set you need to set a reward so you can strive to achieve. Added self care – initiative!!!
Staying motivated when there are so many tasks that need to get done can be draining but if you focus on serving the needs of the people you serve, your income will continue to grow. Go out and serve the world.
How do you stay motivated – Comment below.
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Listen to the Power of Your Spoken Word
This past month, I spent a great deal of time reflecting on my business growth and reviewing where I came from. I was listening to a Louise L. Hay’s audiobook, The Power of the Spoken Word. Hay talked about how powerful the words we use are and how they can affect the outcomes we get. She stated that the Universe or God loves us so much that we are granted what we ask for and speak of. Her example was how we look at ourselves and speak to ourselves in the morning when we get up. Think about what you say to yourself when you look into the mirror. The words we chose affect the outcome of our day. Louise L. Hay also mentions that if you say: “I hate my job.” while you are looking for another one, you will soon not be happy when you start the new job as you will continue to attract what you think.
Your thoughts are powerful and your words are powerful. Her words triggered something inside of me. I remember and sometimes I will admit I catch myself saying, “Boy, that was dumb.” Hay states we should show compassion and empathy for ourselves as well as others. We were only functioning with what we know to be true at the time.
Oprah Winfrey often speaks the words of Maya Angelou, “When we know better, we do better.”
It is important not to beat yourself up. Would you berate your best friend for not succeeding on the first try? As long as you are living, strive to learn , improve, and grow. Speak kindly to yourself and about others. It is said that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Quit gossiping or people will be gossiping about you. If you want more patience and understanding, you need to be patient and understanding. I you want more clients to come into your life, do not spend your time wallowing in self pity saying, “I have no clients, I will never get any clients.” As what you state is what you will tend to bring about. Do you want more clients? Speak about and plan how you will serve your clients. How will you help them? See the small but subtle changes in the words used – much more empowering wouldn’t you say? The energy changes when you spin phrases into more positive and powerful statements. Speak with confidence in knowing who you are and what you wish to achieve.
Now go out into the world and make today matter!