Workshops & Courses

Emotional Leadership
(1 or 2-day course; EQ2.0 Assessment Optional)

Do you ever recall certain decisions made in the past and wonder from your present perspective, “What was I thinking? Why did I do that?”

These decisions you now consider “bad” merely reflect where you were emotionally at the time. You don’t know what you don’t know. You cannot improve your situation without self-awareness.

Self-awareness is synonymous with emotional intelligence (EQ). Emotional Intelligence is about learning to understand and govern your emotions while managing their impact on those around you. Developing these insights gives you the leading edge in business and in life.

NOW is the time to make this positive change.

Once you are self-aware, there is no turning back!

This comprehensive, transformative course will enhance your leadership abilities and revolutionize the way you manage people thereby increasing your business bottom line.

You will learn to:

  • Communicate your expectations and instructions clearly in a way that builds trust and enhances other people’s participation and performance
  • Deepen your relationships with others as you discover what motivates them
  • Defuse conflicts while maintaining everyone’s respect and dignity, thus reducing stress and anxiety
  • Put a stop to habits and behaviours that have derailed past opportunities
  • Lead with greater intention and purpose surrendering autocratic command and control in favour of more open and effective collaborative opportunities
  • Develop greater self-reliance and trust in your instincts, resulting in more confident, stress-free decision making.
  • Get the results you want in every reasonable situation

This presentation is for solopreneurs, business owners, and organizations looking to develop leadership excellence in themselves and their team members.

If you want the improved communication skills necessary to make better, more understanding, empathetic decisions, while building, and nurturing more positive relationships, then

this is the course for YOU!

Turn Your Questions into Your Quest

A perfect Lunch ‘n Learn Session or Launch to your Strategic Planning Day

Life is a research lab full of questions to be answered and explored. There is power in the ASKING!  It’s essential to BE CURIOUS.

ASKING opens doors of opportunity and possibility, uncovering long-awaited solutions that spark positive change.

Do you ever find yourself beating around the bush because you are afraid to ask the questions you want?

Have you ever worried yourself into a panic because you don’t even know what questions you could be asking?

Have you ever you caught yourself making judgments or assumptions that turn out to be completely off base, and end up costing money, time, or relationships?

In this engaging presentation, you will:

-Naturally increase your knowledge by learning the RIGHT questions, those powerful questions you need to ask to ultimately make your vision a reality

  • Boost your credibility, and solidify your relationships with team members and customers/clients
  • Create high-performing, engaged teams by asking the questions that stimulate the creativity and innovation you need to outdistance you from the competition
  • Reduce your self-doubt and thus the need to seek others’ opinions, eliminating the overwhelm of endlessly weighing options

-Save yourself all that time, money, and resources you could be investing in where you get your greatest return

  • Accelerate your results through positive actions and effective decision-making and NEVER be afraid to ask a question again!

The Art of Performance Coaching –
Get the Results You Want from Your People

(A rewarding Lunch ‘n Learn Session or 1-day Workshop)

Often misunderstood or diminished as a trendy catchphrase,
Performance Coaching is, in fact, the secret weapon that unlocks a person’s potential.  

Are you frustrated, totally sick and tired of repeatedly telling people what to do and how to do it, yet seldom getting the results that you want? Would you prefer to take a more positive approach to difficult conversations and thereby get more out of yourself and your staff members?           

Would you like to make a bigger difference with your business?

In this captivating and empowering presentation, discover the #1 reason you are not getting the higher calibre of employee performance and end results you want.

You will learn to :

    • Ask the questions that build self-awareness, ignite interest in personal learning and development, and inspire a higher quality of performance in the workplace
    • Encourage greater accountability and responsibility – no more excuses for poor performance
  • Communicate more effectively to achieve those desired outcomes, handling difficult conversations with ease and confidence


This presentation is for supervisory staff, sales managers, executives, small business owners, and every other leader motivated to improve performance with their teams.

Crush Your Goals: A Roadmap for Leaders
1-day Workshop

If you’re a leader in an organization or a CEO of a small business, chances are you work hard, driven by ambition and the quest to accomplish your objectives.

Do you have trouble finding the right approach to attaining your lofty goals? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by it all, everything you need to do, to achieve to get where you want to go?
Have you ever felt inundated by all the various strategies, tools, tips and tricks that are part of goal-setting and wondered, “Where do I even begin?!!”

Remember every success story started with a roadmap – a blueprint. You need a vision and an action plan! Look no further! Debra Kasowski is on a mission to help you reach your goals and become the leader you aspire to be.

In this dynamic workshop, you will:

  • Identify your “why” to ensure you’re making decisions that are congruent with your goals
  • Assess how your obstacles and detours have led you to where you are right now
  • Overcome excuses holding you back from taking action
  • Stop procrastination by setting an accountability plan to get things done with focus and direction – no more wondering what to do next!
  • Write out specific meaningful SMART goals that stick
  • Establish your priorities before you hit overwhelm and decide to abandon your goals
  • Infuse your intentions with confidence
  • Set up milestones to measure your progress, and evaluate your degree up success
  • Quit wasting time, money, and resources. Start tasting victory!

Leverage the Power of Giving and Receiving Feedback
1-day Workshop

As a leader, you need to deliver feedback effectively to ensure it is meaningful and subsequently creates positive change. A leader’s evaluation of a team member should be accepted by them as a gift and viewed as an investment into their personal and professional growth. There are many courses on delivering feedback appropriately, however, little attention is paid to the essential element of receiving the feedback constructively and using it to learn, grow, and improve. This unique focus is what makes Debra Kasowski’s workshop so valuable.

In this course, Debra teaches you how to:

  • Utilize appreciation and valuing your team’s work as an opportunity to motivate, improve morale and cultivate loyalty
  • Offer new perspectives and valuable insight creating self-awareness and improvement in productivity, performance, and profits
  • Deliver effective feedback that eliminates staff repeatedly recreating the same mistakes
  • Quit beating around the bush when delivering supportive constructive feedback meant to encourage improvement and stop the confusion around expectations and current performance
  • Avoid falling into the trap of offering praise with criticism and devaluing a person’s work
  • Be open to what is being said in order to discern fact from opinion
  • Listen to understand feedback and to receive it constructively NOT as an attack but instead as an asset
  • Ask the right questions to leverage the feedback for your personal and professional growth

Leading with a Growth Mindset
3-hour or 1- day workshop

Our mindset is based on our perception of our talents, skills, and abilities. Individuals with a fixed mindset usually exhibit a tendency to avoid challenges. Typically, they second guess themselves regularly, and give up easily, especially if they doubt the likelihood of their success.

If you have a growth mindset, you have learned to embrace challenges. You look for the lesson in feedback, and know it takes effort to master your potential. Whether you choose to lead others, or are a leader within yourself, it all starts with you!

In this motivational, thought-provoking session, you will learn to:

  • Learn from your mistakes without debilitating self-recrimination
  • Find instructional insight and inspiration in the success of others
  • Cultivate your curiosity as a learner, and stop allowing fear and self-doubt to cost you opportunities
  • Free yourself from the trap of mediocrity and raise your standards
  • Understand that you need only prove your worth to yourself
  • Create a strong leadership presence and earn the right to direct others
  • Follow your passion, persisting in the face of challenges and creating the unstoppable mindset

Appreciation in the Workplace (available February 2019)

Business Brilliance
3-Day Event

If you’re doing everything “right”, what could possibly be holding you back in your business?

Join Breakthrough Expert and Certified Success Strategist

Debra Kasowski, host of the inspirational podcast,

The Millionaire Woman Show. In her 3-day event, Debra will lead you to identify and eliminate those roadblocks, so you too can achieve the BUSINESS BRILLIANCE you deserve!

Maximize Your Impact, Your Profit, and Get the Right Results
2hr Event

Calling all Entrepreneurs and Business Owners!

Are you getting frustrated with repeatedly getting the same unsatisfactory results? Do you feel you’ve hit a roadblock on the path to success and lack the clarity and direction to determine which way your business should go?

Join bestselling author, speaker, and Certified Executive Coach, Debra Kasowski, host of the popular podcast, The Millionaire Woman Show, as she shares the seven vital steps you need to transform your business and take it to the next level.

In this engaging and dynamic presentation, you will:

  • Develop clarity into what you envision for your business
  • Discover what is holding you back from attaining your objectives
  • Tap into the source of your motivation
  • Empower yourself with the tools needed to transform your business
  • Challenge the status quo and make those essential decisions

Strategic Business Plan
1-day of Inspired Instruction

Many people enter into the business world without a plan of action. They have no strategy, no direction, and no understanding of how best to proceed. They simply register a name and poof! They figure they are somehow magically in business. It doesn’t take very long before they realize running a business is much like riding a rollercoaster. There are constant ups, downs, twists and turns. The truth is business owners need to be prepared, ready for the ride.  

  • Do you know what you need to do to grow your business? 
  • Do you know how you will promote your product or service in the market place? 
  • Have you determined your revenue targets for the next 12 months?

I hear from many entrepreneurs that they had a business plan done for them at some point, but it’s so long and detailed that it just got shelved as soon as it was created, never to be seen again.

Putting together a business plan doesn’t have to be extremely time- consuming. By creating a clear, focused strategy, not only will you be navigating the inevitable challenges and obstacles with greater ease, insight, and focus, but you will be pretty tough to derail.  

Let’s set you up for success! Time for a simple, easy and effective action plan for your business that you can follow with confidence!  

In this one-day interactive course, you will: 

  • Acknowledge your start point and create a compelling vision of where you want to go 
  • Gain clarity around what you are building and “why”  
  • Design your customer profile  
  • Discover ways to set yourself apart in the marketplace 
  • Create a straightforward, easy-to-follow business plan designed to achieve your desired objectives
  • Identify the results to measure in order to ensure the greatest return on your investment of time, money, and resources 

Think having a PLAN is constraining when you prefer spontaneity?

The concept of a “living” business plan gives you structure and direction but allows for any change or addition you need or want to make according to your situation and extenuating circumstances.

Don’t have time to attend a course?                                                   

How much time is being wasted by NOT having clear direction of focus?  

Not a person who likes to think about the “numbers” aspect of your business?


When you start discovering ways to increase those numbers, you will learn to LOVE them.  


Don’t know where to start, how to begin creating your plan? Let Debra help you get the results you really want! 

A one-page business plan is a game changer!


PLEASE NOTE: This business plan is NOT a plan you prepare and take to a bank. It is a working business strategy. A living document that evolves and grows like your business does.

Creating Your Vivid Vision
1-day Workshop

Why do you need a vivid vision for your business?

The truth is when you are unclear about your goals, they are impossible to accomplish.

If you don’t know “why” you do what you do, what motivates you to achieve those higher objectives, there’s a lack of commitment and follow-through. You fall prey to procrastination, distraction, and confusion which slows your progress. Worse yet – you may do nothing at all. You may even give up in frustration.

Businesses big or small – you NEED a vision.

Isn’t time to give yourself permission to dream?

Now, when you create a vivid vision, you will:

    • Rid yourself of uncertainty and confusion as you expand your insights
    • Develop clarity in defining the results you want and the time frame in which you want to achieve them


  • Create an ambitious action plan


    • Ensure your daily actions are aligned with your vision – saving you time and money


  • Attract your ideal clients and customers


    • Challenge yourself to do better as you surround yourself with people driven to succeed
    • Discover your “why” and that courage you have inside you to realize your dreams despite the risks


  • Help more people and thus make more money


  • Want to SHARE YOUR VIVID VISION with everyone


Write out your own ticket to success!

Don’t be afraid to DREAM BIG!

When you all believe in your vivid vision, see the big picture, and feel the impact, you and your team will be more determined to achieve it. Your people will be able to work with greater independence, making better decisions because they know what they need to do. You can have the peace of mind, trusting that they are working toward your shared vivid vision.

Join Debra Kasowski in this amazing visioning process! It is time to set aside being practical for one day and create a 3-year compelling vision. You can “build it and they will come”. This purposeful plan will fuel your motivation. Imagine how you will enrich your life and the lives of others and make more money in the process!

Content Marketing – Beyond the Basic Blog
3-hour workshop

Do you want to make your mark online sharing content that educates, entertains, or inspires? Do you want to share your experiences or improves the lives of others? Do you want to share your opinion, market a product or service, or establish yourself as an expert? Regardless of the reason, you want to be able to command the attention of your reader so they want to share it with others.

In this interactive session with Debra Kasowski, you will:

  • Build rapport, trust, and engagement and become known as the trusted expert in your industry
  • Uncover the biggest blogging mistakes that have your audience leaving faster than they came
  • Learn how to template your blogs so blogging does not become a chore and you save yourself time to work on a hobby or another area of your business
  • Write catchy attention-grabbing headlines that attract more readers and people wanting to do business with you

Money, Mindset, and Marketing

Whether you believe it or not, your belief about money is influencing your thoughts and the actions you take. Your thoughts might sound like this, “I will never get ahead”, “It is wrong to want money”, “people with money are greedy”, “I can’t save money”, “times are tight no one is spending” or “I will never have enough money”. If these are your thoughts, what actions do you believe you will take?

Do you find it hard to make your business thrive?

Do you find it hard to hang onto money when you hit a certain number?

Do you feel you must work harder and longer hours to accomplish your goals?

Too many people rather invest in the latest trend or gadget than invest in themselves to create a thriving business. As soon as money comes in, they find somewhere to spend it without strategically thinking about what marketing activity they should investing it in. You may have hit a plateau or hit your “money setpoint” and you feel “stuck”. Why not start working smarter rather than harder? It does not mean you do not have to put in the effort, it means you need to shift your mindset into a business mindset to ensure your actions are profitable.

In this live interactive 3 hr- group workshop, you will tackle the doubt and self-limiting beliefs around money, shift your mindset to becoming more strategic and profitable by using marketing techniques that best suit your business. There are no cookie cutter solutions – only actions that will bring results. Are you ready to measure your progress and get the results you want!

Who: This workshop is for small business owners and entrepreneurs who are driven to get results, want to up level their strategy, learn how to shift your mindset to start getting results or want to turn a hobby into a business.

Miracle Mindset For Life -

Mastering Your Mindset

  • Learn how to shift your mindset when you are stuck
  • Develop laser focus on the right priorities
  • Get rid of self-limiting beliefs
  • Recognize how your environment is impacting your results
  • Discover the #1 thing you need to do to start getting results



  • Join the Success Coach and Vision Board Expert, Debra Kasowski, for a life-changing experience of discovery! Define how you want your future to unfold, and create that plan of action to live your BEST life!!! 

    Do you have difficulty gaining clarity about what you really want for yourself? Vision boards are an excellent tool to help you actually depict what you wish to attract into your life. Learn how to use this simple yet powerful technique to help you get clear on your goals and focus on what it takes to achieve them. You CAN make it happen!

    In this engaging workshop, you will:

    *Clarify your VISION…what do you want?

    *Strategize the “HOW”

    *Eliminate self-limiting beliefs

    *Give Yourself Permission to have what you WANT and so much more!!!!


    All supplies will be provided. We do encourage you to bring any personalized items and 2-3 magazines as a resource for images.



Find out more about hiring Debra for your event

Want to RESET your MINDSET? Be on Track and move FORWARD toward your GOALS!