What Are You Waiting For?
My role as a speaker, author, and business, executive and entrepreneurial coach is to help people really get clear on the direction that they want to go. Often, they are faced with a challenge in their immediate time frame. They are trying to figure out ways to move forward to and move through to breakthrough. So many times I find people are waiting. Waiting for opportunities to be brought to them on a silver platter!
Well, sometimes you need to go out there and create your opportunities. You need to start sharing what it is you want to go after. There are people along the way who are willing to help you but if you are not willing to share what it is you are after – how do these people know how to help you?
The other thing is being very focused on what it is you want to achieve. What are things you need to do and be- to get there? How do you need to show up? Think about those things – waiting does not get you anywhere.
By taking persistent action and moving forward toward your goal, you create something to look forward to. The thrill of anticipation will be your motivator. Think about how things could work for you to move forward. Whether it is something in your life that you know there is one thing – that if you did this one thing it would change everything. It would create a shift whether it be in your family life, your personal life or in your business. How do you need to be to make things happen?
The question is “Why Wait?”. Create your opportunities and make the shift inside yourself. Become more aware of the opportunities already around you. There are probably many around you right now and the door is open.
But if you wait too long the door is going to close.
So take the opportunities and grab your silver platter. Make your day happen by creating those opportunities for yourself.
Why wait?
What opportunities are you creating for yourself?
7 Reasons Entrepreneurs are More Resilient
I remember when I was first introduced to a networking meeting with entrepreneurs. The room was buzzing and people were laughing and sharing different ideas. I thought I was in a totally different world. People had such a different mindset than the employees I had been around. Entrepreneurs seems to have such control over their destiny or circumstance. I needed to be a part of it. The energy was contagious!
I have learned that being an entrepreneur is both an art and a science and that not everyone is cut out for the job. There have been several moments when I felt exhausted from trying to get ahead with my business that I just wanted to quit. How can you quit when you may be 3 feet from gold? Instead, I studied successful entrepreneurs. I learned that there are 7 main reasons that entrepreneurs are more resilient.
Entrepreneurs are resourceful and are willing to ask for help.
Many entrepreneurs’ passions have been mapped out on the back of a napkin. They have a vision and a dream. Even though they might not have the “know how” at the moment, they are willing to learn or figure it out. The motivation is the quest of making the impossible- possible. They learn quickly to tap into their network of people and ask for help.
Entrepreneurs see setbacks as temporary and a lesson worth learning.
Every mistake, failure, or setback is an opportunity to learn what not to do and how you may readjust. Instead of playing the victim, entrepreneurs have learned to silence the inner critic telling them they cannot go after their dreams or change the message that they hear to ones of empowerment and encouragement.
Entrepreneurs actively build their network and make connections.
The resilience of the entrepreneur is evident even in the most challenging economic times. The businesses that survive are the ones who have set themselves apart from their competition, share resources and freely offer referrals, and have an abundance mindset. Entrepreneurs help others achieve their dreams.
Entrepreneurs invest in themselves. Many entrepreneurs have eliminated the hypnotic television shows and opted for reading industry articles, books, and magazine. They play educational or motivational programs in their cars so they can focus on their end game. Entrepreneurs know that if they do not have the knowledge, skills, or abilities that they can outsource or jump in and learn it themselves. They strive to reach their personal best through teleseminars, webinars, conferences, or books. They readily invest in a coach or find a mentor to accelerate the business growth.
Entrepreneurs strive for progress over perfection.
Some entrepreneurs get caught up with procrastination and perfection. Deep down, they all know that in order to put food on the table for their families that progress is more important than making everything perfect. Entrepreneurs tend to be more decisive – as time is money. The more you wait, the less you will make.
Entrepreneurs are grateful.
The mindset of an entrepreneur is focused on gratitude because entrepreneurs know that their business cannot excel without the help of others people. The success you are experiencing today is because of the people who have helped you along the way.
Entrepreneurs are innovative and creative.
With the speed of technology and the changing market, it is important for entrepreneurs to be on top of the latest and greatest information, products, and services for their customers. They take risks and brainstorm new ideas. They discover better ways to get things done. An entrepreneur’s character can be defined as resilient. You may even spot one a mile away. They have an air of confidence that no matter what happens they are prepared and ready to make a decision, plan it out, and take action. Hats off to all the entrepreneurs!
Strategies to Connect Your Fortune with Your Follow Up
Follow up is a crucial piece in the sales cycle that not everyone is comfortable with. When you come from a place of service with your follow up, you stand out from the crowd and increase your credibility. You can follow-up in many ways – email, a handwritten note, a card with SendOutCards.com, face to face meetings, and many other creative avenues.
Post your favourite ways to follow up with our community.
5 Top Entrepreneur Summer Reads
In the heat of summer, you do not want to lose the sizzle of your business! This is a great time to catch up reading, take a few notes, and think about how you can implement what you learn into business. When do you get the time to catch up on some of your reading?
Books that will make your summer sizzle include:
POP!: Create the Perfect Pitch, Tagline, and Title for Anything by Sam Horn
I love this book! It is an easy read chalked full of tips and brainstorming ideas to create ideas that literally POP! and grab people’s attention and leaving wanting to find out MORE!
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
I highly recommend this book as I was a graduate of The Success Principles Coaching program. Simply sectioned reads that can get you onto the road to success in no time flat. This is literally the self-help bible of books!
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Sinek’s thought provoking style really help you self reflect on where you are going and whether or not you are doing what you doing intentionally. Great reminder to align with your values and beliefs and ultimately your – WHY!
The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
Imagine if you could have more play time in your life – what would that be like? Tim Ferriss has a unique approach to streamline the clutter of life and getting down to the heart of the matter so you can live more and LOVE it!
Okay …maybe I am just a little bias…. The Entrepreneurial Mom’s Guide to Growing a Business, Raising a Family, and Creating a Life You Love by Debra Kasowski
Life can get crazy as mom! I get it. Many mom’s wonder how the can achieve their dreams without compromising the dream or vision they have for their family. Society send us so many messages but you must ultimately decide who’s life are you living! I share tons of tips and techniques that have worked for me in growing my business and raising my family. But just waiting I am just in the beginning of the teens years so their can be a sequel!
Let us know what your favorite reads are! Boost business and innovation everywhere!