Even though I can feel the momentum, I sometimes feel like I am standing still. Feeling that there is so much more to be done – that is when I remind myself that to breathe. Working with a coach and studying “The Success Principles” has reminded me to celebrate every win that comes my way. I am spreading my wings and upleveling my business playing field and it so exciting but there is always a time in which a new foundation must be laid.
I know some of you may be saying to yourself, “I wish I was upleveling my game.” Let me caution you before you leap too fast. You will want to and need to create systems in place so that you can enjoy the upleveling of the game. Sustainability and growth also need a bit of forecasting but your mindset is where the big shift occurs the most. You can uplevel your game too. Where do you think you should be playing bigger? What resources do you need to do so? Do you need to hire a full-time or part-time assistant?
Recently, I knew I had to hire a new team member and that little voice in me said, “You know you need to do this, this is the next step.” The other little voice said, “Oh come on Deb, keep doing what you are doing. Do you really need to do it?” What did this all mean? Silence. Then, the voice inside said, “It is time.” I know it is time – I can feel it.
You, too, need to listen to your intuition. Whenever, you have an idea or suggestion come to you – listen for the another voice to follow and pay attention to how your body feels. Do you feel resistance or a sense of peace like you have already made a decision? The little voice of reason was making me do some due diligence and think about the results I want to achieve in my business. Take time to listen to what your intuition is telling you.
If you feel a sudden hesitation like someone has quickly pressed pause for a moment – this could be your first signal of trouble. Think about how your body reacts- do you perspire? Does your heart race? Do you get a stomach ache when things do not feel right? Start asking yourself and pay attention to your body. What exactly does not feel right at this moment and why?
Asking questions is the most powerful way to get clear on what it is you need to do. There is no better time that NOW to create the business you want. Intentional action will result in success. Stand up for what you believe in. Let your voice be heard ! Make a decision based on what it is you are trying to achieve. You may even surprise yourself along the way!
Show up, give your best, and stand in your power – NOW! It is your TIME!