Ann Max is known for her lively, engaging and performance-driven approach to productivity and performance enhancement. Her information-packed presentations are grounded on solid experience in Organizational Development, Human Resources and Administration, and are guaranteed to deliver skills, techniques and concrete actions that can be directly put to use.
With a strong commitment and deep understanding of her subject, she immediately develops a rapport with staff and management at all levels. As an effective coach, skillful facilitator, inspirational trainer, empowering mentor or motivational speaker, she addresses current challenges with an engaging style that immediately creates trust and rapport. Personal and professional lives benefit from her wise counsel, ability to instill confidence, realistic approach and lively sense of humor.
Ann publishes a monthly e-newsletter, MaxTips! which is distributed free to thousands of subscribers. She is the author of a Time Management Guide for Physicians (through the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons), which will be distributed to every physician in Canada and forms the basis of a professional learning program. She is a National member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers and the International Federation of Professional Speakers and is currently working on a series of webinars and e-learning strategies soon to be offered on-line.