Do you believe in moments of serendipity? Do you believe in the law of attraction? Do you believe that gestures of kindness go a long way in becoming known, remembered and even talked about? I want to share with you the tale of two purses. A couple months ago I was visiting my sister and her family. We were walking along a rocky beach when my purse strap snapped and my purse dropped to the ground. I looked around for a purse for several weeks and started to get a bit frustrated because I could not find one I liked.
One day a friend of mine handed me a gift bag and there inside it was a beautiful handmade straw woven purse from the Philippines. He and his wife were on vacation and they picked up this purse thinking of me. He did not even know I was looking for a purse. Wow! Talk about timing. I felt very blessed.
Fast forward a couple weeks another gift arrived, when I was at Marcia Wieder’s Become An Inspiring Speaker program, I met the most incredible vibrant woman. She was dressed to the nines and had a pin that said “Irresistible”. I fell in love with her energy and beautiful spirit. This fabulous woman is Lethia Owens of Live Your Brand. She truly lives her brand. She is classy stylish and graceful. I particularly loved her purse and complimented her on it. Lethia stated, “I will send you one.” Perhaps because we talked for only a few minutes here and there, I did not think that this woman I had just met would actually send me the purse.

It was like Christmas! Everywhere I go people are saying,” What a beautiful purse you have!” I go on to tell them about this incredible woman who is true to her word and LIVES her brand. A lady at the pharmacy said, “You know there are very few people who would have followed through when only meeting for a short time.” Now I get to share a piece of her every day in my conversations. She made a difference in my life. I feel like we connected as if we had known each other for years and it was a reunion, however, I sense it is only the beginning.
What lesson is there to be learned about being known and remembered:
- Be true to your word.
- Share your energy and spirit in all you do.
- Be passionate about serving others
- Set yourself apart by doing something different. (Send someone a gift, give them a book, or do something special.)
- Be true to yourself – You Are Your Brand so Live It!
- Be Irresistible
You do not need to spend money to make a difference in a person’s life to make them feel valued and appreciated. All you need to do is pay attention to what resonates in your hear and act on it. An act of kindness ripples to many others in the world and may even change someone’s perspective of the world. “Everything you do matters.” This blog post is dedicated to all of you who make a difference, especially Lethia Owens.