“The people we surround ourselves with either raise or lower our standards. They either help us to become the-best-version-of-ourselves or encourage us to become lesser versions of ourselves. We become like our friends. No man becomes great on his own. No woman becomes great on her own. The people around them help to make them great.
We all need people in our lives who raise our standards, remind us of our essential purpose, and challenge us to become the-best-version-of-ourselves.”
I met, Matthew Kelly, an author, speaker, and thought leader over 20 years ago when he came to Edmonton, Alberta to speak. I was mesmerized by his Australian accent and his message of “becoming the best version of ourselves.” I have read his many books and newsletter over the years and watched his YouTube videos. I always leave inspired because his simple yet profound messages really hit home. I consider Matthew Kelly as a role model for me – he is truly following his purpose and what he has been called to do in this world.
Who you surround yourself with does make a big impact on how you think and feel about yourself and what you are capable of. Think about the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. Do they encourage you? Do they offer you different perspectives? Do they challenge your assumptions? Do they nudge you into challenging yourself to become a better version of yourself OR do they steer you off course developing habits that do not serve you?
Pay attention to who you surround yourself with and the habits you have adopted. Are you happy with your results? If not, it is time to break out of your comfort zone. Stretch beyond what you see is currently possible for yourself.
Pick 1-2 habits that will serve you in a big way and work on those for the next 90 days. It could be reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book, going for a walk after supper every night, or drinking at least 2 litres of water a day. If you want to improve your income, you may watch some YouTube videos or listen to a podcast. If you want to learn more about clean eating, you may reach out to a dietician to get some tips, strategies, or recipes. Get focused on your growth.
At first, the individuals might be taken back from noticing your change in behaviour. They may choose to jump on the bandwagon deciding they need to make some changes or they may connect with different people who want to stay where they are. Do what is best for you and do what you want. If you want to become the best version of yourself, it must be intentional.
Raise your standards. You were not meant to be average. You are EXTRAordinary.