3 Productivity Secrets I Learned from Darren Hardy
I had the honour of listening to and meeting Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS Magazine (Highly recommend a subscription) at his Productivity Secrets of Super Achievers . His talk was insightful and profound. Many of us think that if we are doing many things we are achieving more and producing more. It can be further from the truth. You may be a overachiever – getting many things done but there are significant distinctions that create the SUPERACHIEVER!
1. Learn to Say “No” to More Things that Take You Away from What is Most Important to You. As women, we have a difficult time saying no to people without feeling guilty. Who are we being a martyr for? I have learned that in order to have the success you desire you must guard your time, energy, and focus. Your time is one of the most valuable commodities. Once it is gone you cannot replace it.
Focus on “doing” what gives you the greatest return on your investment.
What do you need to NOT do? Yes is easy! The anxiety comes from saying NO! Super achievers say NO more often!
Overscheduling can be stealing away your opportunity to achieve big results in less time.
2. Focus on your VITAL functions. Be world class at a few things. Why be mediocre at many things? People do not want mediocre – they want the best! Do fewer things but do them well.
Master the basics of what makes you great!
3. Focus on Your Strategic Priorities. You may have many goals but focus on your top 3! Spend each day planning your daily actions before you even get started with checking email or responding to voicemail. Get a clear picture of what you need to focus on. Look at your calendar – is there anything you need to say NO to or STOP doing?
What is the one thing that matters most that only you do?
Quit doing things that are taking you away from focusing on your strategic priorities. Darren Hardy mentioned that in the beginning you often need to do it all but as your time, finances, and resources become more available quit doing them. Delegate so you can concentrate on what you do best.
In order to more productive, focus on what one thing you need to do very well to get your greatest return on yoru investment. Your time matters!
What are some of your productivity secrets? What are the three things that matter the most to you to make more money to achieve your success?
5 Reasons You Should Create Your Vision Board
Vision boards are an incredible tool for gain clarity and having a visual queue for what you want in life right in front of you. In my co-authored bestselling book, GPS Your Best Life (TM): Charting Your Destination and Getting There in Style with Charmaine Hammond, we provide steps for you to get clear on what you really want in your life and help you map out steps to achieve what is on the board. Charmaine and I refer to this as putting the wheels on your vision board and shifting into drive.
“A vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes time.
Vision with action can change the world.” – Joel A. Barker
There are several reasons a person should make a vision board:
- Clarity As you flip through images, pictures, and magazines, you identify what you like and dislike. You may resonate with pictures or be drawn to powerful words and phrases.
- Organize Your Thoughts Suppose you create a vision board for a couple areas of your life. You can organized your thoughts and really focus in on areas you want to improve.
- Visual Reminder When you have a visual reminder in front of you, you can look at it throughout the day to maintain focus on what it is you wish to be, do, or have. The vivid images will drawn you in and as you explain why you chose the images you did you will also discover your story. What you really want from your life!
- Emotional Connection When you select images than you have an emotional connection to, you are more likely to be motivated in your pursuit of achieving the goals you have set for yourself.
- Create a plan in mind. By creating your vision of what you want for your life, you are making a plan. Starting to put the wheels in motion for ideas and the ways you will achieve them – the dreaded “how”. I will tell you this, when you know your why and what you want to accomplish, the how will show up!
Once you have created your vision, you can breakdown the steps to get to where you want to go. Now imagine doing 5 steps each day to get to where you want to go – 1825 action steps toward achievement and success! You cannot help but naturally be drawn to your success. Consistency and action are the keys! You must take action but also share your vision with others. You never know who is ready to give you that hand up!
You can find out more about our GPS Your Best Life Vision Board Workshops at www.debrakasowski.com
Are You Pushing Your Potential to Be and Become More?
There are times in our lives where we are being and becoming in our lives yet many people are not living up to their potential. Pehaps they have not set expectations for themselves for the results they wish to achieve. Consider eliminating some of the distractions. Learn, grow, and develop by reading a good book, attending a seminar or conference, or hiring a coach. Push yourself to be the person you ARE meant to be.
Goal Setting IS about YOU!
Are you getting ready to set your goals for the New Year? Many resolutions are fleeting – something that many people say as the clock comes closer to midnight bringing in the New Year. Do they really mean it or are they just saying them because others are saying them?
Watch this video to learn more about the 3 things you need to do to actualize and realize your goals!
- Make your goals personal.
- Make a commitment to yourself. Write your goals down.
- Review Your Goals on a Regular Basis.
What goals are you setting for the New Year? Get closer to making them happen by sharing them with the world.