The power of our minds is amazing yet we have more negative that positive thoughts going through our minds at any moment in time. I came across this message in Tough Times Don’t Last, Tough People Do by Dr. Robert H. Schuller that reinforces the mindset you must have to achieve success. I love this message:
” Success all starts in your head, and every person has the freedom to choose to be a success or not.
Choose to succeed. See yourself as a successful person, and you will be a successful person.”
You have the power to filter the thoughts that run through your head. You can chose which one will win out. The story you tell yourself and the attention and belief that you bring to that story will become your truth.

The one you feed – WINS!
I have studied success for nearly 20 years and true success comes to those who:
Work harder than the others.
- Work smarter than the others, because they know how to delegate and know their priorities.
- Dress for the success they believe themselves to be.
- Watch what they eat and do not just go for convenience – convenience costs more! Waistline included!
- Track their numbers and allocate their funds to what matters most to them.
- Develop systems and processes to keep them on track.
- Deep trust and faith that everything that shows up in their lives was meant for a season or a reason.
- People come first before anything! Build the know, like, and trust – not just the transaction.
- Control the messages in their head about self-limiting beliefs and doubt by focusing on the positive.
Empower yourself by listening to audiobooks and reading books and magazines about your industry or that motivate you to be your best. You have so much potential trapped inside your mind. It is time for you to use all you gifts and create the life you imagine. For the power of the mind can create what some view as impossible but I think you can start telling yourself – I AM possible!!!
I would love to hear how you made things possible in your life by making a CHOICE!