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Our Special Guest: Robert Clancy, a producer, television host, creative visionary, #1 international bestselling author, and spiritual teacher. He is the co-host of the Mindset Reset Show (mindsetresetTV.com) set to launch this July on cable television, Comcast, Direct TV, Roku Amazon Fire TV and TV2Go in 164 countries worldwide. Robert has been on the board of directors and volunteering with Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership and Junior Achievement on Northeastern New York teaching high school students leadership through community service for nearly thirty years. Robert shares his inspirational thoughts daily on the ‘Robert Clancy–Guide to the Soul‘ Facebook fan page (FB.com/GuideToTheSoul), now followed by nearly 700,000 people worldwide. He is a sought-after speaker, presenter, and guest. He is managing partner of Spiral Design (SpiralDesign.com), a marketing firm that includes notable clients such as Citi Group, Activision, Disney, Zales, The Home Depot, Best Buy, and American Airlines, among others. Robert is also a regular contributor and weekly guest on Los Angeles KABC Radio’s syndicated Late Night Health Radio show. Robert recently filmed his television appearance on the Emmy® Award-winning Dr. Nandi Show with a reach of over 300 million people on a variety of cable and satellite television networks, including Discovery, Lifetime and ABC. His latest bestselling book is, Soul Cyphers: Decoding a Life of Hope and Happiness. He is a husband, father, ordained minister and 5th degree black belt martial arts instructor. (GuideToTheSoul.com)
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Have you ever noticed that there are people who are committed to their goals and then there are people interested? The people who are committed are super focused on what they need to do and who they need to connect with. You can always pick out the people who are interested because they are the ones who find excuses or “reasons” that prevent them from reaching their goals.
Do you recognize some of these excuses for not being able to take action?
I know you may be laughing to yourself because I am certain you have heard some of these excuses. You will always find excuses or rationale to support your decisions if you look for them.
“When you master the power of self-discipline, you will NEVER make excuses for making progress.” – Brian Tracy
You need to get started by taking action steps toward your goals. Self-discipline comes with putting habits in place that serve you in reaching your goals. Habits become routines. Some people get bored or frustrated with repetition but repetition is what creates consistency. Consistency leads to mastery. Mastery leads to results. What happens is people are short-sighted, they want results now. Early gratification is NOT sustainable; however, small wins along the way builds momentum.
Self-discipline and strong success habits assist you in resisting excuses. Excuses often show up because you may realize that what you wanted requires effort and determination. You get focused on the penalties or pain of doing something versus the rewards or pleasure of gaining what you say you want and more. If you put the energy you put into making excuses into putting in the effort into what you need to get done, you would be farther ahead than you are now.
Excuses tell the world – you do NOT care about your goals as much as you say you do. Drop the excuses. They are NOT serving you. Excuses prevent you from getting ahead.
What are you afraid of? Dig deeper.
Challenge your excuses…challenge the important of your goals.
What does it mean to you NOT to achieve your goal?
What will it mean to achieve it?
Remember everyone who has succeeded before you started at the bottom and worked their way to the top. The fact they can do it means you can do it too.
They didn’t let the weather stop them. They tapped into resources and found money or earned it. They learned new skills and developed them. They committed to continuous learning. They blocked time off in their schedule to work on their goals. They learned that they did not need validation from others they needed to value themselves. Their childhood was in the past and they have control of the present and they can create their future with developing a new story. And, the best day to go after your goals is TODAY!
Stop holding out on yourself!
Make your goals a reality!
We would love to have you subscribe to the Success Secrets newsletter on my website at www.debrakasowski.com where you’re going to get my just release FREE e-book about the 21 Habits High Achievers Kick to Achieve Success. I would love to hear about this podcast has impacted your life. E-mail me at Debra@DebraKasowski.com. Thank you for listening to The Millionaire Woman Show where we talk about leadership, business, and human potential to help you live rich from the inside out. Subscribe to The Millionaire Woman Show. Share it with Your Friends. Give us a 5-star rating!
Debra Kasowski, the charismatic host of the positively, thought-provoking podcast, The Millionaire Woman Show, is committed to enriching the leadership potential of her countless, devoted clients, essentially, guiding them to go within to uncover their vast inner resources, so then, capitalizing on their true personal power, they can achieve the measurable success they desire in business, and in life.
In today’s world of impersonal electronic communication, this award-winning speaker, two-time bestselling author, and Certified Executive Coach wisely places the emphasis back on effective people skills; posing questions that promote insight and interaction, and the productive channeling of emotional energy towards problem-solving, all key to promoting superlative workplace performance, and enhanced productivity.
After graduating with distinction, having earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Alberta, Debra spent many years as a clinical manager excelling in leadership development, before founding Debra Kasowski International, a world-class training, and consulting venture focused on helping aspiring business owners and solopreneurs develop the winning “success habits” that transform human potential into sustainable profits.
Passionate, herself, about continually expanding beyond the boundaries of her comfort zone, Debra, a dedicated wife, mother and avid philanthropist, has successfully finished two Olympic distance triathlons, while adding to her already impressive credentials with certifications in Emotional Intelligence, Appreciative Inquiry, and Coaching with LEADS program.
Clearly, if you’re a business owner motivated to move beyond the mediocre, an entrepreneur inspired to forge on to the forefront with a proven plan of action, there’s no doubt that the indomitable Debra Kasowski is your solution.
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“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”– Vince Lombardi
I was watching a video in my email from Matthew Kelly about Power of Progress and how we need to see ourselves as works in progress. It fascinates me that when we decidie to take on something that is new to us that we can easily start putting pressure on ourselves to be perfect OR as good as someone who has been working on it for years. Mastery comes from building habits that support our growth. It comes from doing repetitive actions and honing our skills and talents.
Too many people focus on wanting things “just perfect” or done the “right way” they hold back in taking action without ever thinking the right way was how they do things. Let’s think about this…
If you are not impacting someone’s life or that there is a chance you could go to jail, I would say it is pretty safe to take action. For many people taking action equals risk. Without action, you do not make progress. There are ways to minimize risks. Perform your due diligence by doing research and asking questions you have unanswered. This way you are not stuck on waiting for the “HOW” to get things done. Some people feel if they do not have the full instructions on how to get started- they don’t start at all.
Start with the first step…
Focus on the progress you have made thus far. Each step gets you closer than before. You can continue to focus on the details but don’t get caught up in them. When you focus too closely on the details, you fail to see the big picture of how far you have come!
I love how Amy Cuddy refers to “Fake it until you become it.” She had suffered a head injury and told she would have to change direction with her career. The naysayers came out of the woodwork. She stayed focused and put in the hard work and did not give up! Even when you are nervous, keep practicing and putting yourself out there until you become what you want to be.
The awkwardness you feel is not that you are an imposter…
The awkwardness you feel is because you are stepping out of your comfort zone and growing…
Instead of focusing on HOW I do this when I don’t know how…you should be focusing on –
“What do I need to do to become ___________________? (you fill in the blank with what you want to be)
What are the skills and abilities I need to possess to BE that person?
What do I need to DO to show up at that caliber?
What do I need to HAVE in place in order to do what I want to DO?
No one is asking you to be perfect. Embrace your uniqueness. Everything is perfect as it is right now for you to learn what you need to learn and be who you need to be.
You may be saying, but Debra, “Does focusing on progress versus perfection lower your standards?”
My answer is simple…NO!!!
Your expectations and standards are not lowered.
Focusing on your progress helps you:
Personally, I have been known to have high standards and high expectations. I set them for myself for the goals I want to achieve. I want other people to set their own.
Daily self-reflection provides you with many lessons to learn and grow from as you take each step. Questions for journaling or quiet reflection, although journaling is the best way to flush out your thoughts and ideas, include:
What did I do that went well today? Why?
What will I continue doing?
What is something that did not go as well as I would have like?
How would I have liked that situation or circumstance to go?
What could I do differently in the future?
What habit do I need to start, stop, or continue?
I want you to remember this, “the work in progress is often just as beautiful” – Unknown.
Progress starts with paying attention and focusing on your priorities. It was John Wooden who said, “Don’t mistake activity with achievement.” Progress does not mean you “busy” yourself with tasks and activities. Progress means you are taking intentional actions to get toward your end goal. Perfection is often tied to procrastination. People procrastinate because they want everything to be perfect before they act. They sabotage their opportunity to advance. Notice that no one fears perfection but they fear failure. If you do not have the fear of being perfect you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain because you are farther ahead than if you did nothing.
Stop hiding in the shadows of others…
Start putting yourself out there and BECOME who you want to BE by being perfect just the way you are!
What step are you willing to take to get closer to your goals?
We would love to have you subscribe to the Success Secrets newsletter on my website at www.debrakasowski.com where you’re going to get my just release FREE e-book about the 21 Habits High Achievers Kick to Achieve Success. I would love to hear about this podcast has impacted your life. E-mail me at Debra@DebraKasowski.com. Thank you for listening to The Millionaire Woman Show where we talk about leadership, business, and human potential to help you live rich from the inside out. Subscribe to The Millionaire Woman Show. Share it with Your Friends. Give us a 5-star rating!
DEBRA KASOWSKI, BScN CEC is an award-winning best-selling author, transformational speaker, blogger, and Certified Executive Coach. She has a heart of a teacher and is certified in Appreciative Inquiry and Emotional Intelligence. Her writing has been published in a variety of print and online magazines. Debra Kasowski International helps executives, entrepreneurs, and organizations boost their productivity, performance, and profits. It all starts with people and passion. Sign up the Success Secrets Newsletter and get your free e-book download today! www.debrakasowski.com
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“Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.”
– Ralph Marston
Has anyone ever told you that your standards are too high? You expect too much? I have… what I find is that too many people are lowering their expectations so they don’t disappoint themselves. Guess what? They will be disappointed because they will realize they could have achieved more. Don’t lower your expectations; increase your performance by increasing the actions you need to reach your goals.
You get what you expect of yourself. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.” What you believe is possible for yourself is the effort you will put in. It all starts in the mind. If you believe you can do something and your surround yourself with people who encourage and support you, you are already part way there.
“No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see the possibilities – always see them, for they’re always there.” – Norman Vincent Peale
The possibilities are always there! One of the best questions to ask yourself is,
“What will it take for me to achieve _____________?”
When you maintain a positive attitude and stay open to ideas, strategies, and suggestions, you will figure out the “how”. Too many people stop taking action because they don’t start with the “how”. John F. Kennedy did not know how to put a man on the moon when he made his declaration. Suddenly, the declaration made teams of people start thinking about what is required to achieve such a goal. Martin Luther King Jr. made a declaration in his speech, “I Had a Dream” for all men (and women) to be equal. Imagine if he did not start taking action on his dream. These leaders started with a possibility and worked toward seeing it through.
What is your possibility? What do you expect?
Are you willing to see it through?
We would love to have you subscribe to the Success Secrets newsletter on my website at www.debrakasowski.com where you’re going to get my just release FREE e-book about the 21 Habits High Achievers Kick to Achieve Success. I would love to hear about this podcast has impacted your life. E-mail me at Debra@DebraKasowski.com. Thank you for listening to The Millionaire Woman Show where we talk about leadership, business, and human potential to help you live rich from the inside out. Subscribe to The Millionaire Woman Show. Share it with Your Friends. Give us a 5-star rating!
DEBRA KASOWSKI, BScN CEC is an award-winning best-selling author, transformational speaker, blogger, and Certified Executive Coach. She has a heart of a teacher and is certified in Appreciative Inquiry and Emotional Intelligence. Her writing has been published in a variety of print and online magazines. Debra Kasowski International helps executives, entrepreneurs, and organizations boost their productivity, performance, and profits. It all starts with people and passion. Sign up the Success Secrets Newsletter and get your free e-book download today! www.debrakasowski.com