Self-limiting beliefs or negative self-talk are obstacles that you need to put the brakes on. The internal chatter of telling yourself, “No, you do not know enough to do that” or “You never finish a task” needs to be extinguished. You see, skillsets can be learned but a mindset has to be changed. What kind of pep talk would you give your friend in a similar dilemma? The true obstacle to your success is you. You let yourself listen to the chatter and stop gaining the momentum you need to reach your goals. Even worse, you may give up on your goal all together. Do you really want that?
5 Ways to Stop the Internal Chatter and Release the Brakes
- Acknowledge the negative self-talk but do not entertain it.
- Stop the thought. When you hear the negative talk, just say “stop”.
- Reframe each negative thought into a positive thought.
- Ask yourself. “Is this thought 100% true?”
- Wear an elastic band on your wrist, give it a snap when you think negatively. A quick reminder to change you thoughts and change your life!
Your thoughts are very powerful. You can make things happen with the right state of mind.