ABCs of First Impressions
Have you ever been out and realized you had two different shoes on or your skirt was caught in your panty hose? First impressions are lasting impressions and the impact we have can last longer than we know.
As I was planning next month’s Millionaire Woman Club event, Dress for Success theme, I started think about all the first impressions or judgments that women make. Yes, we say “Do not be judgmental.” however, we often get thoughts in our heads about what a person is like before we even speak to them.
The theory of knowing your ABC’s can be followed in many contexts. For instance, in healthcare, ABC – airway, breathing and circulation. When assessing a child’s wellness, we often look at ABC’s being appearance, behavior, and color. The more I thought about this, the more I realized that the ABCs of your first impression are the lifeline that gives breath or air to your personality and a person’s perception. That’s right ladies – Your first impression is the circulation and color of who you are!
The ABCs of First Impressions are:
Appearance/Apparel/Aura – Are you looking after your appearance? Do your clothes fit right? What does your dress say about you? These are a few of the questions to ask yourself. The most important question is – Would you want to do business with you?
Behaviour– This is the area that your personality shines through. Are you approachable? Do you introduce yourself to others or do you wait to be introduced? Can you start a conversation and learn more about the person you are talking to and truly listen?
Communication/Character- The words you speak are profound. How you speak to and about others says a great deal about your integrity. Smile, keep eye contact, and practice your handshake. A handshake is a tell tale sign of confidence.
First impressions last…know your ABCs and have impact!
Celebrate Your Wins
Find a reason to celebrate everyday!
How do you celebrate your wins?
Compound & Interest
In the last couple months, I have become addicted to SUCCESS Magazine. So much so, I started using a yellow highlighter for the main points that speak to me. This past month was full of resources and articles about Innovation.
Darren Hardy, SUCCESS Magazine Publisher and Editorial Director, wrote an article about his book “The Compound Effect”. Every step you take no matter how big or small leads to success with smart choices. Individuals limit themselves when they think that they are not smart enough to accomplish their goals. If you think creatively to overcome obstacles and work harder and smarter, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Every step you take has value, whether, it was a lesson or a challenge. The question is, “Are you willing to take the challenge?”
It made me realize that in this world where people are searching for instant gratification that they can also get instant “deflation”. Deflation of their spirit and motivation if they do not get immediate results. You have probably heard the phrase “Everyone needs to start somewhere.” Yes, they do. Success also depends on sustainability. Are we there for instant gratification or long lasting satisfaction?
Key Qualities of Success:
- Perseverance – The drive to keep going when the going gets tough. The tough look for solutions.
- Consistency – Do something everyday that gets you one step closer to your big dream.
- Never Give Up Attitude – This is where innovation comes to play. You continuously look for new ways to succeed. You realize that more opportunities will come your way even if one door closed.
- Disciplined – Sometimes there will be sacrifices to make in order to reach your dream or goal. You need to keep current, research, and practice your craft or talent.
- Serve Others -When you help others on their journey to success, others will help you. Success is inevitable.
Get creative when looking at the obstacles that appear on your life’s journey. Refine your “qualities of success”. Plant seeds of ideas that will reap a great harvest, when your efforts compound and get interest of those around you.
What are your qualities of success?
Method to Your Madness – Build a Fence
Summer is just around the corner. We are halfway through the year and school is almost out. The kids activities are at an all time peak and work is piling things up. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you know how to say, “No thank you!”
Boundaries are invisible fences that you set up for yourself. Setting boundaries in our businesses and personal lives can often be difficult when you are use to giving so much of yourself. You are not obligated to set boundaries but you must for your own personal sanity and health. There is always something that needs to get done. You must look after yourself in order to look after others. Some people say that setting boundaries seems like you are closing yourself off from others but this is further from the truth.
- Share Your Feelings. Let the other person you are setting boundaries with know how you feel. Start with “I feel…”
- Voice Your Boundaries. When you set boundaries, you let people know what your limits are and what you can handle. When others are aware of the limits, they do not get disappointed with unrealistic expectations.
- Respect the Boundaries. Gain a better understanding and respect for the boundaries set by others and they will be better able to respect your boundaries.
The walls of judgment fall down when a person is fully aware of the boundaries that they must set for themselves and the respect for the boundaries of others. You learn to teach others how to treat you with dignity and respect. You must also believe you should be treated in the same way. Do not try to do everything by yourself. Ask for help when needed. Delegate. Take a break. You will be more energized and ready to take on anything that comes your way.
Let us know how you set boundaries with others; post your comment.