Can You Believe It – Say It Isn’t So!
Recently, I sent someone a random act of kindness and they told me that they wished to return it because they felt they did not need the gift. As our conversation continued, the gift appeared to be viewed as a form of “help or desperation” instead of seeing it as a nice gesture or a gift from the heart. I proceeded to explain that it was a gift and a gift is meant to be received. Yet, they struggled with being open to receive due to pride.
Did you know that you actually rob the gift giver of the pleasure of giving the gift? What I have noticed is… people often become uncomfortable with receiving gifts or asking for help. Yes, to be honest with you, my gift had many meanings, perhaps a form of help, but more so to be a pleasant unexpected gesture of kindness.
For many people, the act of receiving a gift, accepting a compliment, or asking for help is seen as a sign of weakness. I see it as a great strength. Here’s a few tips for moving your pride to pleasure:
Gift Giving. Think about the time, thought, and effort a person puts into making, preparing, or purchasing a gift. It was important enough for them to give the gift or random act of kindness. Be gracious and grateful. I am not talking about an engagement ring but random acts of kindness and celebratory gifts that do not have a form of commitment or pay back. Sometimes a person’s pride can get in the way of sharing in the joy.
Compliment Receiving. When some offers you a compliment, honour them by simply saying “Thank You”. By saying, “It was no big deal.”, you are downplaying the act of kindness. After a while, they will not want to compliment you because the joy of giving you the compliment, was zapped away.
Asking for a Hand. Asking for help can be the most powerful thing you can do to strengthen a relationship and improve your circumstance. People like to help people and people like to feel valued. Help needs not to be seen as a hand OUT but a hand UP. People like to see people succeed and know in their hearts that they were a part of something bigger – bigger life and a brighter future.
Be open to receive gifts of kindness, compliments and hands up. It gives the gift giver much joy and fulfillment to know that they had a chance to contribute to your life. You never know when you may need a gift to put a smile on your face. The best thing you can do is acknowledge the gift with a big “THANK YOU“. Enjoy the gift.
Offer 3 random acts of kindness to honour the gift you received. It can be as simple as helping someone cross the street, paying for their meal at the drive thru window, or sending a thank you card. Do not let acts of kindness go unnoticed – pay it forward!
Let us know how you pay it forward!
Are You Ready to Get Your Head in the Game?
How Great Is Your Will?
Am I willing to give first and expect nothing in return?
Am I willing to ask for what I want?
Am I willing to set goals and plan ways to get what I want?
Am I willing to give up complaining, making excuses, and blaming others for not getting what I want and take 100% responsibility for my actions?
Am I willing to say “no” to an opportunity based on my priorities knowing that bigger and better opportunities may come my way?
Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone to experience all life has to offer me?
Am I willing to fail in order to learn and move forward?
Am I willing to persevere when the going gets tough?
Am I willing to embrace change?
Am I willing to take action?
When you are willing to go after what you want with conviction, you will inevitably get where you want to go and achieve what you want to achieve. You must be willing to do what it takes. How badly do you want what you say you want? What are some other questions you ask yourself about your “willingness” to participate in this exciting world called life?