Are your developing habits of success? Your habits determine how successful you will be.
What are your success habits? Share this post and comment below.
Are your developing habits of success? Your habits determine how successful you will be.
What are your success habits? Share this post and comment below.
The world of coaching is a growing profession. You can hire a coach for many different areas of your life. Olympic athletes have a coach. Businesses hire business coaches to build their leadership team. Life coaches can help you through life’s challenging lessons or transitions. Career coaches can help support you in discovering a new career or changing your existing one. Coaches help you see challenges from a different perspective and see situations from a more forward thinking position.
Coaches provide a safe confidential space for you be share your challenges or barriers holding you back from the outcome you desire. They ask the right questions to help you get unstuck and move forward to get the results you want. Coaching is about working in partnership helping individuals work toward a common goal.
Coaches help you to:
The coaching experience is about gaining awareness about what your priorities are, creating strategies to create a life or business you want, and knowing how and when to shift gear when you get off track. The action comes from you. Coaches do not have done what you are planning to do to support you.
Coaches ask the right questions based on what you share that you want to discuss. Coaching is an investment but the return on investment can be infinite and overflow into many other areas in your life. My experience with coaching was positive. I learned to get clear about what I want, set boundaries, speak up for myself, or as Sheryl Sandberg would say, ‘Lean In to the Table” and let my voice be heard. You would be surprised how coaching sparks the motivation to go after what you want. Hiring a coach has been of my best investments in myself and my business.
What gets me is that there is so much support to be had from coaches but not everyone takes advantage of the opportunity to have someone there to help take them to the next level of reaching their goals.
What have you gained from a coaching experience?
I want to dedicate this post to all the women entrepreneurs I have met and coached over the years and my past self. Oh how much I have grown! As entrepreneurs, we know that the flow of money can ebb and flow; this is why it is so important to know your numbers in business. You may not like numbers and yes you can outsource to a bookkeeper but you need to know enough about your numbers so others are not taking advantage of you. Do not give the power of monetary decisions without knowing about your return on investment and the risks involved. This deferred action can mean financial suicide. You are a strong independent woman – be in the know- think like a business owner. Whether we are talking personal or business numbers, the same principles apply.
Too many women are saying but I have no money…but you see them shopping regularly, going to get their nails done regularly, and even going to the spa regularly. I am not saying that doing these things are not fun and rewarding. I just do not want to hear how hard up you are for cash when there are things you can be doing to get what you say you want. Yes, I know not all women are doing these things but if you track your finances and pay attention to where the money is going you can identify the “leaks” – in other words, where frivolous spending may be occurring.
During a recent trip, I read an article in the Financial Post – Personal Finance section, The Small Things are Sinking our Budgets. The writer wrote about a 25 year old real estate agent and her room mate who frequent a high end frozen yogurt shop 3-4 times a week costing them up to $4160 per year. Shocking I know! A little treat here and a little treat there -all add up!
Just think of all the things you could do with all the extra money – take a vacation, invest in real estate, hire a coach, pay off your mortgage or student loan, or save up for your child`s university or college fund.
Here are 9 money saving strategies:
Start putting your money into creating a life you love. Your money is a tool that needs to be used wisely so you can be, do, and have what you want and need. Let the SMALL money strategies lead you to the BIG things you want in your life.
What is one strategy that you have used to gain more control over your money Comment below.
Business is not business without prospects or customers. Business is all about relationships and how you can serve others with your message, mission, products, and services. I learned long time ago that you need to build these relationships before jumping in and sharing some of your products and services. Business relationships are built on trust and rapport also known as the “know, like, and trust ” factor.
Many people go wine and dine and even schmooze at networking events but never follow up with the people they meet. There is more to networking than the food and drink. You want to build and nurture the relationships almost like courting. It is important for you to have strategies in place to nurture your relationships. Strategy and not schemes. Strategies are intentional plans of continuing to build relationships to you understand how to serve your audience and the persons in relationship with learn what you do, what your needs are and how they may help you as well. Relationships take time to build. They say it can take 7-9 touches or interactions with someone before they will do business with you. There are many smart ways to make them happen!
Business Relationship Building Strategy #1 – Get to Know Your Audience
Getting to know your audience begins with active listening and paying attention. Think about the information they like, share, or pin on social media. Develop a dialogue online and ask a question to learn preferences, likes, and dislikes.
Small Action Step
Send a direct message on social media to someone you have conversed with in person or online asking them about their business goals and how you may support them. Another idea you may try is blogging about a recent book you read and asking others for their feedback on the book or what books they would recommend.
Business Relationship Building Strategy #2 – Follow Up Phone Call or Send an Email (BUT do NOT hide behind the computer)
Follow Up is the key to business success. You can do this with a simple phone call or an email referring to your meeting or follow up on the discussion you had. Perhaps you promised to send them some information or you agreed to check your calendars to meet for lunch or coffee and you were just following up. Ideally, follow up should occur within 24-48 hours. Life are busy – try to make your follow up timely.
Small Action Step
Call the last person you met at a networking event. Arrange to meet for lunch or coffee to learn more about them and the business. Always come form a place of service first. You may want to do business with them or you may keep them in mind for someone who does.
Business Relationship Building Strategy #3 – Send Nice to Meet You or Thank You Cards
Send out “Nice to Meet You” or “Thank You” Cards to people you have just met or people you have done business with. How often to you get mail from someone you have just met or you have done something for? Most people tend to say not too often. I know that this practice can change your life. Not only does sending a card make you feel good, you will make someone else’s day. I use a distribution service called SendOutCards. I can send small tokens or appreciation or gifts.
Small Action Step
Purchase 5 Thank You or Blank Cards and write out a heartfelt message in a card to the last 5 people you had interaction with. They may be some you met at a networking meeting, a member of your team, someone who provided you with exceptional customer service, or someone who has made a big impact in your life.
Business Relationship Building Strategy #4 – (ONLINE) Write Content Rich Articles for Your Audience
Article marketing is a great way for others to “get to know your voice” and learn about how “you think” about the world. There are many article directories that you could submit article to. Ezine Articles and Self-Growth are two directories I submit content to.
How to articles are some of the most searched for forms of content.
Small Action Step
Write an article about something that people often ask you about. I bet this will be pretty easy as you already do this naturally. What are 3 tips or words of advice that you have recently given someone? How do you explain it to them?
Business relationships are key. Although some social networking can be done on the computer it is best to get out there and do some face to face communication, so people can get to know like and trust you. Are you in!
I would love to hear your comments about how you nurture your relationships. Leave your comments below.
I know many women entrepreneurs who thought they would build a website and the traffic would come.
Guess what?
No one came, unless you count their mother.
If you do not let anyone know who you are or tell anyone what you are doing no one is going to find you!
You need to develop a plan or strategy so this awesome global tool makes you really global not taking up a page in the galaxy of internet pages.
In order to drive traffic to your website, you need to create compelling valuable content which inspires, educates, or entertains. You need to be able to solve a problem that your potential client has. You may even compare and contrast different approaches to a problem and how you and what you offer would be the solution your audience is longing for. Content can come in many forms such as ebooks, special reports, or teleclass series. Keep the content fresh and up to date.
You may have even attempted a few things but have not really seen a bang for your buck!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news – you cannot dabble on Facebook or Twitter and expect a huge following.
You need to be focused on your audience and consistent with your message.
Take a good look at what they want, what they need, and how you can deliver it to them.
Here is 5 Foolproof Ways to Get Going:
There are many ways to drive traffic to your website, I would love to learn some of the methods you use. Comment below.
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