Great books are not just made, they are born from knowledge and experience. Bob Burg and John David Mann, have done a fabulous job of creating value and closing the sale in their 2 amazing books:
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Ideaand Go-Givers Sell More
. According to Burg and Mann, there are Five Laws of Stratospheric Success: Value, Compensation, Influence, Authenticity, and Receptivity. For those of you who are wondering what stratospheric means, “stratospheric” means extremely high! Success beyond your wildest dreams! Would you like to learn how?
Many lessons and concepts are shared through parable and real life examples with great content and food for thought. Making a difference in today’s world is all about creating value and these authors definitely resonated with me. If you want to experience stratospheric success, these 2 books are must read!
My greatest takeaways and how they apply to you are:
1. Create Value. If you focus on creating value for your prospects and customers, they will be your raving fans and tell others about you. Your focus needs to be, “How can I best serve?” or “How can I help you?” and doing so in such a fashion that you are not expecting anything in return but know that someday and someone will do the same for you.
2. Meet People Where They are AT. People may find your product or service expensive. Show empathy and compassion by meeting them where they are at. Everyone does not define value in the same way. Avoid listing of all the features, they are important to you and not necessarily important to your customer. Start thinking of how your product or service aligns with what your customer values and believes in. Paraphase what they just said or objected to, “So you think this ___________ product (or service) is too expensive? Gain an understanding of where they are at and what value they would expect from paying the price of a product or service similar to yours. People want to know what is in it for them and that they will get value from doing business with you.
3. No Pressure Sales. Basically, if they want to buy your product or service they will. Let your customer and prospect decide. Learn what your customer is looking for and why. You may even refer them to a competitor who specializes in what they are looking for. Who is best to serve your customer? They will remember how you helped them and tell others about you. Give them the option to walk away from the sale. Pressure only makes you look desperate for the sale! Maybe your product or service is not what is best for them. That’s okay – there is someone who is waiting for you to share it with them.
4. Say Less, Communicate More. You may have heard the saying, “God gave you 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason.” Listen to your customer and hear what their needs are. Often, we can be waiting for the pause in conversation to share our story and what we think would be a benefit to them without truly listening and hearing what is being said. You will learn many of your customers dreams and desires if you only listen.
5. Allow Yourself to Give and Receive Freely. I had someone drop a line on my Facebook page to say that Bob describes a situation of breathing out continuously. Imagine – breathing out continuously – at some point you will need to take a breathe. There is a flow to giving and receiving just like there is to breathing in and out. When someone gives to you or you give to someone else, allow yourself to both give and receive, acknowledge and appreciate the other person for the gift. A gift can be a compliment, a smile, a suggestions, or a material item. Be open to receiving because you are also getting!
There are so many more valuable sales nuggets in these books. These nuggets of information are not only good for sales but apply to all relationships in general. If you follow the Laws of Stratospheric Success, not only will you skyrocket your business but you will live Rich from the Inside Out!!