Have you ever been to a football game or another sporting activity where the fans toss a beach ball around to see how far it can make it around the stadium? Did you ever wonder what would happen if no one participated? No – maybe ’cause with all the excitement, people cannot help but be a part of it; perhaps you were one of them. They feel the energy and want to feel the excitement of being part of something bigger than themselves.
Each time you take a step toward or a hit at your beach ball or goal. You are creating motion and with motion comes momentum. Share your goals with others so they can be a part of creating and moving your goal from motion to achievement. Take daily actions to keep the ball in motion. What happens when you stop moving the beach ball around? You need to start all over again and need to regain the momentum every time you stop and start. Your daily actions have greater impact than just doing something once in a while. Maybe you need to hug your kids one more time each day or pay attention to your finances and spending patterns each day so you can create an awareness and an intention to keep your goal or beach ball in motion.
When you focus on your goals every day, before you know it, you will have achieved them due to the daily actions and choices. Where your energy goes, momentum will follow. It takes time to get the beach ball around the stadium but with consistent effort it makes its way around. Hear the crowd roar – you did it! You reached your goal! You will have a reason to celebrate because it is going to be a GOOD NIGHT!