How to Become an Influential Source in the World
Not everyone once to become an influential force in the world. Sometimes it takes some responsibility and people shy away from that. To become an influential force, it is not about being pushy or salesy, or trying to get after people to buy your product or service. By being an influential force, what you are doing is – sharing your energy and how energetic or passionate you are about your product, service, or your business.
Here are 3 ways you can become an influential force in the world:
- Be the Best – Be the best at what you do. If you hone your skills, research, read books, take workshops, and learn different things about how you can be the best at what you do. You are an expert. People will be attracted to you because of your knowledge.
- Be Resourceful – You might not always have all the answers but if you are able to link people to where they need to go or what services they might need to support their businesses or their lives. You become an expert resource. People will want to come to you because they know you are the “go to” person.
- Be an Action Taker – People attracted to those people who step out of their comfort zone, go after their dreams, ask for those “big asks”, and move forward. They do not dwell on comparing themselves to others and stopping themselves in their tracks.
To become influential in todays’ world, be the best, be resourceful, and step out of your comfort zone and go after what you want. People are attracted to people who overcome any barriers or roadblocks that come up in their way. Often people will say, “How did you get that?” Well, they get it because they ask. They do bold things and so can you.
As the influence extends to others, you will see a ripple effect among others. The influence by word of of mouth continues to grow and because they will show that you are an EXPERT, you are the RESOURCE, and you take ACTION!
Are You Intentionally Networking?
When you go to a networking event or social event, are you going there with intention to meet someone, build a relationship, and potentially introduce them into your business? When you go to an event, don’t stand there like a dear caught in headlights. Go and introduce yourself. I know it can be intimidating when you are not use to doing so. The more you step out of your skin into who you are meant to be, it will be amazing the connections and referrals that you will actually have.
Tips for Intentional Networking:
Act as if everyone in the room is someone you know. I learned this from my friend, Christine Cashen. She said that her grandmother had taught her that whenever you walk into a room if already you already pretend that you are knowing everybody you will feel comfortable.It is easier to start introducing yourself to other people because soon enough you will know everyone in the room. That’s a fabulous tip!
Have your business cards with you so you can introduce yourself and be able to pass it on. Do not make that your first intent. Taking your business cards to and event is not like playing blackjack. It is not like seeing how many cards you can deal out. Give your card to people you connect with. These are people you feel have an alignment with or connect to.
Mark or make notes on the back of the card. Ask for permission to send out your e-zine. That is how relationships are formed.
The biggest thing is your Follow-up! Are you going to follow-up with a phone call or whether it be with your e-zine and connect with them to continue that relationship. Whether it be through email, phone call or in person, you want to continue to nurture the relationships around you.
Go with an intention. How many people do you want to meet? What type of people are you thinking of wanting to connect with? Perhaps when you are in conversation you can say this is what I am looking for and this is some of the people I am looking to connect with. Maybe they will know of someone and refer you. Maybe they will refer you to someone. You never know where your connect will be.
They say there are six degrees of separation. In this new world of connectors, I am finding it three, four, or even one spot difference. It’s amazing how small the world is when you connect with like-minded people.
Your influence will continue to grow!
Have a great day and Be Rich from the Inside Out!
How Can I Get Started?
Sometimes I have people come up to me and say that they are just getting started in their businesses and they do not have much money to invest in clothes and specific things. Start small. Get one great outfit. It can be from a consignment store. It can be something you found on sale. It can be borrowed from your friend. Whatever it is – start! Don’t come up with excuses of why you can’t. Whatever you feel good in and if you are feeling great that is going to exude to the world. When you are feeling great, people are going to feel great around you. You are a reflection of how you feel about yourself when you go out into the world. When you dress and stand with great posture, smile, make eye contact, give that warm handshake, welcome people, and speak highly about yourself and your business, you will have people drawn to you just because of you. “Be yourself,” as Oscar Wilde says, “because everyone else is taken.”
5 Ways to Get Known in the World Today
Many people ask me, ” How can I get more people to hear about my business.?” I am on a mission to help others to chase after their passions and live their lives rich from the inside out. Let me tell you 5 ways, there are many more but I am going to tell you 5 ways that work for me:
Blogging – Fantastic venue for getting people to get to know you as a person. Not only is a blog about business tips or techniques. It is more like a personal diary. You are giving lessons or insights about your life and how it can relate to your product or service.
Writing articles You are building credibility. You getting people to read them, go to your website. Driving to your website.
Video People get to know, like, and trust you. They feel like the know you when they meet you in person. I have been to events where people come up to me and say, ” Debra I am glad to meet you. I feel like I have known you for a long long time.” It is fantastic. That’s honorable – very pleasurable to hear that.
Ezine or electronic newsletter It can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Giving those tips, techniques, suggestions for books, or different things upcoming events. It is not necessarily the place to sell. The ezine is more about building your relationships.Your business is based on those relationships around you. The more you are able to connect with people the better you will be.
Live events. There is nothing like meeting that person in person and connecting with them on a heart to heart basis.
5 tips to help explode your business!