In economic downturns, there are individuals who think that attracting clients is just not possible. They think people are nickel and diming it to make ends meet and stuffing every dollar they make into their mattresses. The reality is some people may be, but the majority are still buying what they feel they need and what they want. Take a stroll through the malls, people are still walking out with bags of purchases.
The biggest point I want you to think about is when attracting clients, you do not just want anyone. You need to be clear about why you do what you are doing (what’s your mission), who is it is you are serving, and what is the benefit to the client. Clarity is key in delivering your message and helping people get what they want. People need to know what you are offering. You will need to build rapport and a sense of trust either in person, attending networking events, volunteering in the community, through video or audio, articles, and social media. Your job is to demonstrate value and the benefits of what you have to offer. It all comes down to “What’s in it for me?”. This is why being a good listener is so important. You need to ask key qualifiers to gain a better understanding of the needs of your client.
Questions to ask:
- How can I help you today?
- What are you looking for?
- Why do you feel you need it?
- Why now?
- When do you need it by?
- What experience are you trying to create?
- What benefit is it to you – the potential customer?
- How will it make you (the customer) feel to have what you offer?
- Is what you offering freeing up time, make money, or increase their resources?
- What will be the return on investment?
When you ask the key questions, not only do you better understand what your potential client is looking for or their pain points or challenges. You can now respond to how you can help and serve them in getting what they want.
Other ways you can attract clients:
Ask for referrals from your ideal clients.
Keep in touch with your newsletter or a planned phone call and keeping them in informed (do not sell – inform)as to what you are up to – continue to offer VALUE.
Be a great role model by inspiring people to take action through example. People are naturally attracted to action takers and people would exude liveliness.
Offer teleseminars or tele-classes to support the people you serve – nurture ongoing relationships.
The more ideal clients you attract, the more cash you will take to the bank!
How to do attract your ideal clients? Please comment below to share you client attraction tips and techniques.
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