From an early age, we have learned that life comes with responsibilities. We all have responsibilities but do we fulfill those responsibilities to the best of our ability? When things do not go as planned, you may have caught yourself blaming, complaining, or making excuses.
Granted, life happens along the way.
Some things are not in our control but there is a great number of things that are.
Blaming, complaining, and making excuses will not change a thing. Alright, maybe the change will be that people start avoiding you as they do not want to get caught up in negative energy.
Don’t wait for a fairy godmother to wave her magic wand?
You need to step up and take responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions. You can much more control than you give yourself credit for.
When things do not go as planned, you can choose to react or to respond. For example, if you receive an email that is devastating. Do not react with CAPITALIZED letters. Do not spend time analyzing the person’s intent. An email is nothing more than words on a screen. Give yourself some time to think about what has triggered you instead of creating a volcanic eruption of emotions. Pick up the phone or arrange for an in-person meeting to voice your concerns, get rationale, and ask for what you need to understand the message received.
See every situation is an opportunity to learn or teach others.
Reflect on situations that you have reacted to rather than responded to. What can you do differently if the situation presented itself again?
You have the ability to control your thoughts, habits, and actions. Step up and do what you say you are going to do. If you are not doing what you say you must do, why not? Is it important to you? Are you holding yourself back or holding people up? Inaction is an action. Taking responsibility and responding to life events can help you create a life that you are in control of.