3 Dream Stealing Excuses Keeping You from Living Your Best Life
Everyone has a choice to create the happiness and the life of their dreams. Yet, few will take the initiative to actually make things happen. They come up with all the reasons they can not have what they want.
There are many excuses everything from: the dog to the kids, to my spouse or partner, to heap load of debt or no money, to I have a headache or I need to wash my hair. Think about your excuses.
How committed are you to your dream of creating a lifestyle of your dreams?
How committed are you to growing a booming well established business?
The top dream stealing excuses I have heard are:
- I have no money. You have gotten to where you are right now by the choices you have made. You also have the ability to make a new choice that will empower you to make even better choices. Can you make more money? Can you spend less in other places and invest what you can into your new priorities? Yes, there may be some sacrifices along the way. Here is the deal breaker. You may not like sacrifice. People tend to lower the standard of their dreams based on the amount of sacrifice they are willing to make. Are you willing to sacrifice for the short term to get the long term gain?
2. It’s too much work or It’s too hard. It is great to share a pipe dream or look at someone and say “Wow, they just have all the luck.” I can guarantee in most cases, luck had nothing to do with it. The work did. Strong work ethic, discipline, and determination got them to where they are. No one has died from hard work. I am sure you can not only work hard but you can also work smarter than the next person. You need to create a plan. Get a mentor or hire a coach to help you. Any person who has faced great challenges knows that it takes work and a “never give up attitude” to make ideas happen. Don’t listen to the people who say you can or say “Do you really want to do that? This is your dream. This is your goal. When you decide that your commitment to your dream is stronger than your excuses, you will make your ideas and dream happen.
3. I have a spouse/partner and kids. Yes, so do I. So do many people. Does that mean you push aside your dreams and goals? Can you share your dream with your spouse/partner about your commitment and what you plan to do to make it happen? My guess is that you would probably support theirs – why not yours? Can you be a role model for your children as you chase your passions and teach them about making key decisions? It is an injustice to the world for you to hold back on your dreams. You need to show up in the world. You have a purpose and you are here to make an impact.
There can be many excuses that are holding you back from living the life of your dreams. Make a shift. Debunk the myths about what society implies you must do. Do what you know feels right. Make a decision – What is your why? What do you really want for your life or business? By making a choice to commit to what you feel you are here to do, the “how” often sorts itself out. Don’t steal your own dreams with your excuses. Choose to make the commitment to yourself. Choose to be happy and you will prosper!
How have you challenged your excuses? Please share to help others from stealing their dreams!
Celebrate Your Small Wins
Are you ready to throw in the towel? Stop right there! Have you taken time to celebrate your small wins? Acknowledge all the hard work you have had on your way to success.
Habits Determine Your Success
Are your developing habits of success? Your habits determine how successful you will be.
What are your success habits? Share this post and comment below.
5 Surefire Strategies to Prepare You for Success
I remember watching the Oprah Show one day when she had featured a product that she fell in love with. I believe it was a type of soap if I recall. The company was featured another time to share what happened after the show. Phone calls started pouring in and the product sold like crazy. The owners stated it was welcomed, however, it was challenging to keep up. Nice problem to have.
The lesson here is…
Are you READY for your success to arrive?
What do you need to do to get ready for the success that you wish to achieve?
- Get Super Clear. Your success starts with knowing exactly what you wish to achieve. Otherwise, you will not recognize your desired results.
- Develop Your Plan. Write out your plan, systems and processes. This is your “Operations” manual – the strategy of achievers. Do you need to outsource to a virtual assistant? Can you accept a credit card? Do you have a return policy? You may need to build your team so that you have the infrastructure in place to be ready for the influx of sales!!!
- Increase Your Knowledge Base. Do you need further training, courses, or education to increase your competency or establish your credibility.
- Build Your Network. Business growth begins in your backyard but you need to start thinking on a global scale. Do you have a website? Guess what you are global? Use social media to build relationships – you never know what opportunities will come your way.
- Read great books. I can tell if someone is on the road to success by looking at the type of books and magazines they read. Some people have not picked up a book in a very long time. Try reading a biography of someone like Mary Kay Ash, Steve Jobs, or Henry Ford not only will they inspire you with their stories but success leaves clues! Look for them. Better yet, download audiobooks or play CDs in your vehicle during your commute times or transition times (like when you are sitting in a doctor’s office or waiting during your child’s music lesson.) Not only are you utilizing your time more effectively, you are growing and learning. Make sure you take at least one lesson from each book that you will apply to your life or business.
You need to be PREPARED to reap the rewards! What if Oprah called tomorrow? Would you be ready?