Living a life rich from the inside out has a great deal to do with making each day matter. Sadly, many people either go through the motions of life or are caught up in the busyness of it all to “stop and smell the roses” until a life-changing event occurs. These life altering events may come in the form of illness, tragedy, or a sudden loss of a loved one. Why wait until something happens to you to force you to look into a mirror and reflect on where you are in your life and whether or not you are making a difference?
As a leader of your own life, you want to be able to wake up out of bed in the morning with passion and gusto. I have even heard people refer to this as, “What makes you want to shout “Hell Yeah!” in the morning?” In other words, what makes you say, YES!!!! I am ready for this day because I love what I am doing and the impact I am having on others.” This may not resonate for you if you are not a morning person, but maybe after your first cup of coffee and your eyes open a bit more – it just might. If the answer is not YES, then the answer must be NO!
You want to make decisions around what matters to you. What matters to the people you are serving? How can you help someone to be better as a person or achieve their goals? Are you “being the change” in the world you want to see? How can you make this day matter -every day counts! All the little things create bigger and great things!
Here are 10 things you can do today to live a richer life!
- Identify 3 -5 of your most treasured values. Start making decisions based on the reasons why they are important to you. Align with others who have similar values. Are they the ones you would bring home to meet the family?
- Call a friend or spend time with someone you have been meaning to catch up with just to let them know you were thinking of them. Let them know they matter!
- Pick your child up from school and take them out for lunch.
- Ensure the last words you say in a conversation are those that can stand the test of time. If you were never able to speak to someone again, would you be okay leaving your conversation or message the way you had?
- Do the one thing you know you must do to transform your business in the next 30 days. Focus on a daily task for each of the day to support your mission.
- Send a thank you card to someone who has impacted your life and tell them why.
- Do something to make someone feel special or make their life easier. Compliment your spouse, co-worker, or child. Empty the dishwasher, hire a housekeeper for the day, take a friend for a leisurely lunch, or bake some cookies. Appreciation makes everyone feel good!
- Balance your check book so you know what money is coming and going. When you have a clear picture or a handle on your finances – life gets easier. You can come up with ways to “trim the fat” and streamline your finances so you can plan your purchases not only get your needs met but also satisfy some of your wants.
- Read a book on your subject topic, better yet pick up something that you have never looked at before such as fashion magazine, culinary magazine, or business magazine to stimulate your imagination and creativity. Consider listening to classical music, jazz, country, or pop rock to gain a different appreciation. Look for the possibilities in what you do.
- Live your day with focus, intention, and purpose. When spend time with others, ask yourself – How can I make this day matter to me and to you?
Make today count because you matter! How will you make today matter?