Do you feel like you are putting in your efforts and not getting a return on your investment?
I see this time and time again. Several business owners tell me, “but we have always done it this way.” Are you getting the same results?
“Well, yes!”
That’s the problem.
Many individuals fear – CHANGE.
However, change is progress and how our world evolves.
Look at technology for example, Apple did not just develop the iPod and iPhone and stop. They made modifications and came out with several generations. Each generation was led by new ideas and innovations. New applications were born.
The same is true for the rebranding process of companies. New missions and visions are defined by fresh snappy taglines. Yes, new stationery to follow as well. Some people would see this as a waste of money whereas others see rebranding an investment.
I view rebranding as an investment. If your branding is focused on your target audience and their wants and needs, you are right on track. There is nothing worse than trying to share your message and your target audience wants something else.
Times change.
You must embrace change and understand that change does not have to mean big leaps of faith or drastic shifts. But small shifts in perspective, actions, and habits that make a huge impact in getting out your product and service.
Instead of resisting, go with the flow or rather with what your target audience is asking you for. Get creative and innovate! Get the results your want versus what you have always received.
It is time to get BIG results!
How do embrace change? What business ideas, products or services have been born during a period of change or transition? Do you know someone who is making this mistake? Share this blog post with others who need to embrace change.