Have you ever wondered why you have not achieved some of your goals? Have you achieved everything you set your mind to? If so why? Henriette Anne Klauser ‘s book Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want – And Getting It! addresses just that. Writing down your thoughts, ideas, and goals gets you closer to achieving them. Klauser states that the action of writing down what you want actually helps you develop clarity and a better understand of what it is you really want to achieve.
Your writing does not need to be in the form of a novel or big notebook.
There are several ways to capture your late night brainstorms or the gym meditative moments of sweat and tears.
“Don’t just write about what you want, but include why you want it. Why does it make a difference whether you have this or not?” – Henriette Anne Klauser
1. Journaling is a great way to clear your thoughts or reflect on how your day went or how you may do things differently in the future. Many people use a journal to capture what they are grateful for or what their intentions for the day are. Journaling is also very therapeutic and is a safe place to express your feelings and ambitions.
2. Index Cards or sticky notes are a great way to record goals and affirmations. They provide those quick reminders when we look in the mirror or our daytimers. You can capture ideas throughout the day for future writing, blog posts, or product development.
3. Writing Letters to God This is a powerful method that Klauser views God as an interventionalist. she writes down a request or concern to a pressing concern before she goes to bed and in the morning she starts writing both sides of the conversation. To her surprise often with the answers she had been seeking. Seek and you shall find!
Writing things down – makes a big difference in that it brings a person to:
– making a commitment and need for completion
-focus on the task or goal at hand;
-imprints what they want into their behavior
-affirms their desires and dreams
– and develops clarity in knowing what you truly want!
Start writing what you want down. Keep them within sight and look at them regually to achieve what you want. Otherwise, the moment has passed and the commitment may be weak. What do you really want?
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