I remember asking my Dad how things were going one day and he said, “No sense in complaining. No one is going to listen to those who complain when they have the power to change what is not right.”
How many of us like to listen to someone complaining? Do you find that they are taking responsibility for their own actions? Are they a solution to their issue or are they the ones causing their own grief?
One of my favorite reads is “The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work” by Jon Gordon. Great story about the power of positive thinking and action. Complaints can become opportunities to explore and improve. Customer service complaints, for example, often speak to the quality of service and experience of the customer. Situations and events cannot improve without feedback. When you eliminate excuses and complaining, your surroundings are more enjoyable and productivity increases.
Listen to the words you say about yourself and others. Avoid getting involved with the complainers; they can pull you into that negative downward spiral of energy. If you change your words to more affirming words, you will create a positive environment around you. Focus on the good things going on in your life. You are healthy and alive. Are the things you complain about in your control? If not, let them go. You sabotage yourself by dwelling on the things you cannot change. My Dad was right!
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