Would you like to get more followers, find your ideal customers, and reach more people with your message? Are you getting overwhelmed by the Twitter Buzz? Who would have thought that 140 characters could have such punch? Twitter is more than people posting what they are up to or what they eating. Twitter is a very effective business tool if used correctly.
Twitter can do the following for you if used with intention:
- Build and nurture a community or tribe of followers – In order to build your community, you need to interact with the people who comment or retweet your content. Reply to comments or ask questions about posts that resonate with you. Thank people for following you. Suggest followers to others #FF (Follow Friday). You are also building your credibility and visibility online.
2. Drive traffic to your website – Share great content from your website or blog. Provide a brief bio that grabs people’s attention and refers them to your website to learn more about you. Tweet about your free offerings that give people value.
3. Help you do research – #hashtags are like file folders where you can search by a hashtags and find who else is tweeting about your topic. For example, if you wanted #speaker to find out who is looking for speakers, you would search #speaker. Consider asking your followers a question about what you are researching. You are bound to have an answer from someone. You have a wealth of knowledge right at your fingertips.
4. Promote your products or services – If you wanted to share that you are a speaker, you could share some information and #speaker so you tweet would be put in the virtual folder.
5. Find your ideal customers. If you want to build the know, like, and trust factor so people will feel comfortable doing business with you, share a little bit about who you are. Be a REAL person instead of some text. Offer live tweets while you watch TV or tweet about trending topics. Tweet about the books you are reading or share a quote from one.
Twitter in business is not just self-promotion. If you are constantly tweeting about buy this or buy that, you can expect people to unfollow you. People do not want to be sold to. Twitter is a social platform so be social. Your tweets should provide value by inspiring, educating, or entertaining. By the way, thought provoking questions are also valuable in getting mentions and interactions. Engagement is key in social media. Create some Twitter Buzz by sharing this post!
And using Twitter List can be awesome to help organize your peeps!
Great suggestion Denys! Lists can be very powerful