“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

This quote by Eleanor Roosevelt speaks volumes to how we can create the results that we want in life. There are many things we tell ourselves we cannot do or we may procrastinate and avoid them at all costs. Everything has a cost or payoff. Many people avoid conflict because it is uncomfortable. Yes, it is uncomfortable but it can be done respectfully and with dignity. For some the payoff, may be seeking comfort in food, avoiding change, or even taking action. Your results will disappoint you if you do not face what you fear.
I have learned as uncomfortable as it may be this is the environment where your greatest growth often appears. This is the perfect opportunity to STRETCH out of your comfort zone and STEP into your potential. You will start to make more immediate decisions because you are clear on what you will and will not accept as the results that you want for yourself. You will be able to shift your perspective and gain a better understanding of the results you had been getting and what it takes to get the results you truly want. You will know how to prepare for uncertainty with calmness. You will ultimately stand up more often for what you believe in.
You will change your mindset about challenges and start seeing them as opportunities for growth and change. You will open doors for new opportunities. Take time to look at what is working and what is not working. What is one thing you need to do to get what you want? Are you prepared to do it? Will you regret not taking the action to get it?
What is the ONE thing you know that would change your life?
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