Do you know anyone who prepares and plans for the next day? Do you know anyone who reflects on their day and journals points of gratitude? Do you know anyone who wishes that they could stretch their day into the 25th hour? Is that someone you?
Intention living is all about planning and tracking events. Planning means preparing all the pieces you need for smooth execution of a project or task. This can be as simple as having your lunch ready in the fridge or an outfit laid out on the bed. You are ready to take on the day. Tracking is not for the purposes of comparison but to evaluate where time, money, or resources are lost. If you want something to grow you need to measure it to see if you in fact have achieved it.
Five things you can start doing today to start living with intention:
- Frame Your Mindset – Start right when you get out of bed. You determine what you what type of day you will have. What are the first things you say to yourself as you look in the mirror when you brush you teeth? Your words and thoughts are very powerful and can frame your mindset for your day. A self fulfilling prophecy.
- Record your action set steps for the day. Write down 5 action steps you would like to get done by the end of the day. They are not a “have to” but a want to and get to”. You have the choice to create the results you want with intention.
- Exercise your mind and body. Get physically active for 30-60 minutes a day. Increase the blood flow throughout your body and feel energizes. Some of my greatest ideas surfaced when joggin on the track at the gym. Take time to sit in silence and pray or meditate to clear your mind.
- Start being proactive. You do not have to wait for the ship to come in – go out to it! Prepare your meals in advance. Plan your calendar 1-3 months in advance. Pay your bills early.
- Have a plan. People who have a plan of action are already half way there. Those who being their day without a plan waste much time getting out of bed and getting into action. I have some of those days too. The days I do plan in advance – WOW! it has been like a firecracker has gone off. I get so much done because I intentionally plan my day and create lists and mindmaps to keep me focused on getting to my end goal. On the days that you plan, how much do you get done?
BONUS “H”Hug more. Researchers have said that hugs can increase immunity, reduce blood pressure, and increase our survival rate. Hugs the people you love for the health of it!
Be flexible in your plans as life does throw challenges along the way. I love how Joel Osteen frames them, “Setbacks are setups for great comebacks.”
You are here to do great things so why not plan your seeds of growth intentionally – you have the choice to choose greatness!
WOW Debra!!! I am so impressed!! You really know your field, and you bring it (!) in such a strong and clear way!!! Congratulations on another outstanding, empowering, and very informative! Namaste <3
Thank you Brad! I love what I do!