Wouldn’t you agree that the more people you have coming to your website the better? How much better would it be if it was your ideal client coming to your website? How fantastic would it be if they would buy from you, learn from you, or hire you? Even better, right? On Wikipedia.com, article marketing is defined as “a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles about themselves, their company, or their field of expertise as a marketing strategy.” Article marketing is a marketing tool you should take advantage of because it has many benefits. You can:
- Establish your expertise
- Develop your credibility
- Increase your brand awareness
- Generate traffic to your website
- Share high value content with others
- Boost your search engine rankings
- Increase your online presence
The best part about article marketing is that it is a quick and easy way to market your business. It is often free depending on the site you are using. It is a cost effective way to get the word out about your business. You can re-purpose your blog content and turn it into an article but you will want to change the title up, add or revise the flow of your articles as the search engines are looking for fresh new content to bring to the internet audience. You can write your own articles or outsource your article marketing to companies like www.odesk.com or www.guru.com .
You can submit your articles to websites like www.ezinearticles.com or www.selfgrowth.com. Ensure that your bio explains what you do and what you offer your visitors. A free gift of a special report, e-book, or video class will draw people to your website to find out more about your products and services and help build your list.
Just because you built your business or website doesn’t mean they will come – let’s get the word out there! Start article marketing!
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