Project Forgive has inspired this blog!
You must read to the very end to truly gain the understanding of the power of forgiveness and how it can impact your business and your life!
Remember to Be Rich from the Inside Out!
Do you have one foot stuck in the present and another foot stuck in the past? Have you ever wondered why you feel like you were reliving the movie “Ground Hog Day” where you wake up each day and the same things happen day after day? Do you catch yourself blaming others for your current situation? Many people have said “Yes.” at to at least one of these questions in their lifetime.
There are people who have been holding onto resentment and bitterness for years. Some people think revenge is the answer to justice and finding peace in their hearts. However, revenge only builds anger and hostility and has a risk of hurting others who may not even be involved in the situation. Really, what does revenge solve?
The power of forgiveness is one of the greatest virtues of mankind. Forgiveness gives you a sense of freedom from pain, stress, and anxiety. It has been described as a weight being lifted from your shoulders. When you are able to forgive, you expand your opportunities and begin to see the possibilities of what is possible for you.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean you are giving power to another person. On the contrary, forgiveness is a choice to release the chains holding you back from developing deeper relationships, stronger partnerships, and celebrating personal fulfillment. In order to forgive, you must let go of the “story” you have been telling yourself about how you have been wronged, neglected, or abused. I am not saying you need to or will forget about what has happened to you but you do not have to carry the resentment into eternity. You end up hurting yourself more than hurting the person who wronged you.
Forgiveness begins with you! Who do you need to forgive so you can live a rich life?
3 Tips on How to Forgive:
- Start with Forgiving Yourself. We are often harder on ourselves than we need to be. Forgive yourself for not being where you think you should have been. If you were meant to be there you would have been. Forgive yourself for criticizing your body, your spouse, your parents, or even your children. Make a choice to change the way you speak about others and the words you use.
- Understand how people work. People behave and act based on what they were taught or based on what they know. Blaming, complaining, or making excuses for why you are not presented with the opportunities that others have does not serve you. Parents are often blamed for their children childhood experiences. Your parents did the best they could with what they knew.
- Quit rehashing the story. Each time you retell the story you have the potential to stir up unresolved emotions and thus relive the pain. You may have been replaying the scenario in your head over and over for days, years, and months. Does it make you feel better? Does it ease your pain? This alone can be very exhausting and draining on your mind and body.
Forgiveness is everyone’s business. If you want to truly be happy – you must learn to forgive yourself and others.
LET FORGIVENESS start today! I want to tell you about one of the most incredible endeavours I have heard of called Project Forgive. Project Forgive has gone viral (It has been featured in Inc. magazine) and we need to continue to share this message around the world. Imagine what life would be life every person took responsibility for their actions and forgave someone who wronged them. What would the world look like? Would there be peace instead of war? Would enemies become reunited long lost friends?
Project Forgive is being produced by 6 time Emmy Award winner, Shawne Duperon and her business partner, Teresa de Grobois. You can be the hero in your story by summoning the courage to share a lesson in forgiveness. There is also an opportunity to back this campaign by making a pledge to make a difference by supporting the filming of this documentary. Their goal is to raise $100, 000 by April 23, 2012. They are already 75% there but they could still use your help. Please share this blog and link with others so together we can spread a message of FORGIVENESS.
Forgiveness will change your life!!!
To Learn How You Can Support Project Forgive – Click Here Now!
You are correct that ‘letting go’ is not easy, in fact it is the most dfiuicflt, yet necessary thing to do when you have been ‘offended’. It is the only way to life a life free of emotional bondage.I have been ‘offended’ in ways that I am most certain that you could never imagine, and I was determined for many years not to ‘let go'(forgive). I wanted to punish my ‘offenders’ and was afraid that my forgiveness would condone their vile acts.I have learned, through much suffering, that the only way to move forward was to ‘let go’ of the emotional ties that were keeping me from living my life to its happiest potential. I have never condoned, nor will I ever forget these vile acts, but they do not have power over me anymore.’Letting go’ is the ONLY way:)P.S. I did not learn this through any religion that I studied, but through the help of some very wise, and loving people that are in my life:)