Does money make your world go ’round? Do you sit upright in bed at 3 in the morning thinking about how you are going to make ends meet? Do you get tense when your kids ask you for something in the store? Money is a great vehicle and tool to get the things you need and those extras that you want. Many women I talk to, think money is one of the biggest things holding them back from moving ahead. Sorry to say – it is actually their mindset and their willingness to take action.
Your mindset is one of most powerful tools of your success. The money mindset is the mindset of believing in your worth and what you deserve as an individual. When you do not believe in yourself, you do not believe you have what it takes to attract money or lifestyle you deserve. Listen to the way you talk to yourself when you think about taking a risk of any kind. Some phrases you may hear might sound a little like this:
- “Do you remember the last time you tried something like this? You screwed up.”
- “I don’t know if you can do this. You do not know enough to make this successful.”
- “What will people say, if what you say you want to do doesn’t work out.”
Do any of these resonate with you? If so, it is time to over-ride these messages with positive ones. Let’s reframe them right now :
- “You may not have did as well last time but you sure learned a few things you can apply this time.”
- “I can do some research on the internet to see what other people have done in my situation.”
- “I have been told before – What other people think about me is none of my business!” (unknown)
There is a cost to you not knowing your worth. It has been said many times, “If you only knew your potential, you would astound yourself.” Not knowing is stopping you from living a life of passion and abundance driven by purpose. You may be reluctant to take risks because of what you do not know or take a risk based on peer pressure and emotion rather than following your intuition and regret it later.
“Risk is not knowing what you are doing” – Warren Buffet
People who are afraid to take risks usually lack knowledge or experience. Although money may play a factor, it is not what holds them back. It is the fear! Think about the first time you rode a bike. Did you just start pedaling and away you went? If so, good on you! For most of us, it took a few times of trial and error to balance and coordinate ourselves to get moving. Did you notice if you stopped pedaling you might fall off your bike? What happens when you stop moving and doing what you need to do to look after you business and your life? There is no movement, momentum, or mission. You come to a dead stop.
Your time to shine is now. What is it costing you to “Not to Know”?
- How much fun you could have with your family and friends?
- How much you could accomplish?
- How much money you could accumulate?
- How much money you could share with others?
- How larger could you expand your product line or service delivery?
- How many more people you could serve?
- What legacy you could leave behind?
- How much richer you would feel know that you can do it?
- What type of vacations could you go on?
I am sure you could add to the list but I think you know what I am getting at. I am not going to leave you without giving you some how to’s!
- Be an engaged learner. Ask questions and talk to people who have done what you want to do. People do want to help people succeed. Why not you?
- Learn what you need to learn to make things happen. Spend at least 15-20 minutes a day reading and learning about an area you wish to gain more knowledge or comfort in. Have you ever noticed the more you know the less the risk it feels like?
- Invest in yourself. Yes, this not refers to targeted books or magazines but seminars or conference, too. Here’s the thing – you must apply what you learn. It is a tragedy to learn a concept that would improve an area of your life and not to take action.
- Trust your instincts. Even though you do not know as much as you could, if you take time to listen to yourself – you already know what a good choice is and a bad choice is. Become aware of how you feel or your body reacts when you sense something is off track.
- Take action. I know this is not the first time you have heard me say this –
“Do not let your biggest regret in life be that you never took action” – Debra Kasowski
Let’s face it! You are in business to serve others and make money in the process.
Start moving in the direction of your dreams, build momentum, and live your mission!
Be Rich from the Inside OUT!
Thank you for the newsletter I look forward to them.
Thank you so much Deborah! I look forward to connecting with you soon.