A facebook friend had highly recommended the book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
by Simon Sinek. This book really got me thinking about the people and the companies I do business with. Simon Sinek points out that many businesses can tell you WHAT they do and HOW they do it but few tell you WHY they do what they do. He shares real life examples of businesses who know their WHY and weave it throughout their business philosophy and those who forgot their WHY. Your WHY is reason you are in business and your mission – ultimately, why you get out of bed everyday.
Why do you proclaim to be different? What is your philosphy?
Sustainability is key for any entrepreneur. Those who succeed live by their WHY. What they do and how they do things is because they start with WHY instead of the other way around. Think about why you use a PC versus a MAC or visa versa, you drive a Ford versus a Chevy, or use Colgate versus Crest. Is it because of their marketing, innovation, style, or philosphy? Each business owner is a leader in sharing WHY they do what they do. According to Sinek, you attract customers or followers who believe in what you believe, your WHY. You must be clear on what your WHY is.
Here are 3 of my tips in helping you find your WHY:
- Discover Your Purpose: What is your purpose in starting a business or doing what you currently do? What do you get excited about?
- Desired Feedback: What so you want others to say about you? What results do you want people to have?
- Destined for Success: How are you helping others? What are solutions do you bring to the marketplace or in life? How many people need your product and service? Why do they?
Now if you add you WHY to your marketing and message you are sure to attract those customers and followers who align with your mission. Take action and live rich from the inside out! I highly recommend – Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
I would love to learn your WHY!
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