During my family camping trip, I read “Embrace the Struggle -Living Life on Life’s Terms” by Zig Ziglar and Julie Ziglar Norman, a gift my girlfriend gave me. In this book, you will learn struggles several people have endured during life’s journey but also about the faith and dedication of Zig Ziglar and his family. You see, Mr. Ziglar fell down several stairs and suffered a brain injury. His love for his family, his Redhead, and his purpose did not waiver. When you embrace your struggle, there is always one thing you can count on – God.
Everyone has their own struggle, whether it is personal, emotional, spiritual, business-related, or financial, we all struggle at one time or another.
3 lessons I learned from this inspirational book are:
- No matter what your struggle may be – you are never alone. Family, friends, and strangers unite in prayer and support of all kinds. People want to help people.
- When you are living your purpose, what you truly love to do, there will always be a way for you to live that purpose, it may not be the way you envisioned it to be…it may be even better than you expected.
- Learn to accept things you cannot change and be solution focused on the things that you can change.
Someone once said to me,”It is hard to stay positive all the time.” I will not argue that for some people and even myself that there are times that are more difficult to endure than others, but I know for a fact, it is much more difficult to be surrounded with negativity. Negativity is energy draining. Optimism makes me feel alive. I will share my rose coloured glasses any day.
Embrace your struggle with faith and optimism (a spoonful of sugar). Make lemonade from the lemons that come your way. Be grateful for the people who lift you up. Life can be sweet again!
BRAVO to you and this message. It certainly resonates with me…hope, faith,love and optimism! All of these ring true to my soul and my mantra of 'there is ALWAYS a way'! When we raise our awareness to this conscious thinking, our opportunities unfold before our very eyes. But, it starts with a decision. A decision to CHOOSE to see the light, the truth and that pathway will begin to be lit. I embrace challenges a bit better now, with this knowing. Through it all, I'm not alone. For God will never leave me as He is a very present help. In addition, my family, friends, and yes…even strangers offer me relentless support! We are not an island and when we surrender to this fact, our support circle will appear with open arms! What a blessing!